By Jamie O’Brien
St Mary’s Cathedral brought people of various faiths together with government and political leaders in prayer solidarity with the Sri Lankan community which was in mourning after the terrorist attacks on churches and hotels on Easter Sunday. The Governor, the Hon Kim Beazley, expressed his appreciation to the Cathedral for the gathering.
Mass for the special occasion was celebrated by visiting priest Fr Ajith Perera OP from Sri Lanka. Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton was also present for the occasion, together with Cathedral Dean the Very Rev Dr Sean Fernandez.
More than 450 people attended the Mass and interfaith service and were joined by special guests and fellow religious leaders, including Governor of WA the Hon Kim Beasley AC, Federal Member for Hasluck and Minister for Aged Care, Mr Ken Wyatt (representing the Prime Minister), State Member for Warnbro and Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Mr Paul Papalia (representing the Premier of WA), Rev Steve Francis (Uniting Church) Rev Bishop Kate Wilmot (Assistant Bishop, Anglican Diocese of Perth), Perth Mosque’s Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Shakeeb, Mr Roshanna Jalagge (Honorary Consul of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka for WA), Hindu priest, Kuganeshwaran Kurukal and Venerable Ajahn Brahm, Abbot of Bodhinyana Monastery (Buddist Society of WA).
In his homily for the occasion, Fr Perera spoke about the need for and importance of peace.
“When Jesus appeared to his disciples after his resurrection, the first word he said was, ‘peace be with you’.
“Jesus revealed this is what his disciples’ prayer needed, because after the death of Jesus, they were in despair because they were in fear of so many. So Jesus gave them peace.”
As human beings we are diverse in so many ways; different nationalities, cultures, languages, Fr Perera continued.
“Whatever race we belong too, if we are united we can prevail, if we wish to live in peace and harmony.
“This is my dedication, as I am from Sri Lanka, representing that community. Of course, this is a really hard time. One of my own distant aunties was killed in the attack.”
Along with the offertory procession, youth from the Sri Lankan community brought a bouquet of yellow roses and fruit.
An interfaith service was held at the conclusion of Mass in the southern courtyard of the Cathedral. Candles were lit and prayers were said by the Christian, Hindu and Buddhist religious leaders. Sheikh Shakeeb gave a moving speech condemning terrorism in the name of religion. The Governor and the federal and state ministers also expressed their support for the Sri Lankan community.
All agreed the need for peace was urgent, while also extending their support and love for those who live in Australia, as well as for those had lost family members and friends in the Easter Sunday bombings.
Chairman of the Sri Lankan Catholic Community of WA, Chris Jayatilake, said the Mass and the occasion to come together as a community, has had a significant impact on the Sri Lankan community.
“While this has been a very sad time for many of Sri Lankan brothers and sisters, we have been so grateful for the hope and peace that has been shown towards the (Sri Lankan} community here in Perth, and across Australia,” Mr Jayatilake said.
“We must do what we can to help this same peace come to the people of Sri Lanka in this time,” he said.