Notre Dame seeks to adopt fire-affected parish

25 Feb 2009

By The Record

By Anthony Barich
The University of Notre Dame Australia Fremantle is in negotiations with the Archdiocese of Melbourne to “adopt” a parish affected by the Victorian firestorm and to possibly offer scholarships to people in the devastated areas.

Staff and students of UNDA participate in an ecumenical prayer service at Holy Spirit Chapel.
























UNDA Fremantle staff and students also held an ecumenical prayer service at Holy Spirit Chapel on February 20 for the victims and survivors of the recent Victorian firestorm.
Over 120 Catholic and non-Catholic staff and students gathered at the chapel during Orientation Week to involve new students in the service, which was led by Catholic and non-Catholic members of staff.
“Everyone is very keen on having an opportunity to pray for the victims and those trying to now rebuild their lives, so this gives them a chance to transform their feelings into something positive,” said UNDA chaplain Fr Gerry Conlan OMI.
“We’re also looking at whether we can offer some scholarships and encourage other universities to offer scholarships for people in the affected areas,” Fr Conlan said.
The newly installed chaplain, who replaced Fr Greg Watson OMI, said he also considered offering his services as a chaplain to the affected areas in Victoria, but the local Archdiocese had already gathered enough cleric support.