Thousands gather for rally in defence of human life

23 May 2019

By The Record

On Tuesday 14 May, more than 2000 people attended the Rally for Life in Perth, including the LifeChoice WA group (pictured). Photo: Kieran Mesquita.
On Tuesday 14 May, more than 2000 people attended the Rally for Life in Perth, including the LifeChoice WA group (pictured). Photo: Kieran Mesquita.

A crowd of more than 2000 people from all generations gathered outside Parliament House last Tuesday 14 May to mourn the loss of 173,000 unborn children in the 21 years since abortion was legalised in WA.

The rally, which was organised by the Coalition for the Defence of Human Life, included the presence of families, youth groups and church leaders to pray and petition in defence of the sanctity of life.

In his public statement at the rally, Emeritus Archbishop Hickey spoke about the sanctity of life and prayed for the unborn.

Speaking at the rally, Rev Peter Abetz from Australian Christian Lobby said the most dangerous place for a baby is in the mother’s womb.

“Those especially at risk are those diagnosed before birth with Down syndrome, spina bifida or dwarfism,” Rev Abetz said

“The Pro Life movement both at a state and national level is faced with battles on many fronts,” he said.

Steve Klomp, a director for 40 days for life and President of Right to Life (WA), explained that laws will be introduced that will create bubble zones, restrictive areas around abortion clinics where those praying outside the abortion centres and offering support, information and counselling will be expelled and face charges.

WA faces the introduction of these laws that have recently been passed in Tasmania and Victoria.

In a statement to The Record, a spokesperson from the AFA said it is their experience that many women who visit abortion clinics are seeking options and that some who encounter professionally trained counsellors outside clinics discover other paths of support they may not have known about and as a result decide to keep their children.

“With laws restricting the presence of these optional counsellors within view or reach, it will only assist the growing number of abortions each year,” the statement said.

“Another factor that could have affected the growing number of abortions highlighted at this rally is Labor’s promise to offer abortions in public hospitals.

“Furthermore public hospitals which are currently overcrowded will be forced to perform abortions. So this rally highlighted not only state but federal issues relating to the sanctity of life.

The other pro-life battle, the statement highlighted, which was an important theme at this year’s rally for life, was the upcoming debate on assisted suicide, due to occur later this year.

Hon Nick Goiran MLC also addressed the rally on this issue, drawing particular attention to the possibilities of wrongful deaths occurring if this legislation passes as well as the very real risks of elder abuse.

State Member for Girrawheen Margaret Quirk also highlighted raising awareness of the potential legislation which is due to come before the WA Parliament in the coming months.