Welcome to Issue 40 of The Record Magazine.
On our front cover, we feature the new statue of Our Lady of Ballajura, Comforter of Migrants which was recently blessed by Archbishop Costelloe. In blessing the statue, every Christian, said Archbishop Costelloe, needs to have the words emblazoned on their heart “Do whatever he tells you”.
Don’t miss Archbishop Costelloe’s special Pastoral Letter, featured from page four to seven, where he announces a Diocesan Assembly, now scheduled for 2024. He also reinforces the very special Liturgical Formation and Renewal Program, which was aired in parishes across Perth commencing the first week of Lent.
Hailing from a family of seven children, newly appointed St Charles Seminary Rector Fr Francis Huy Nguyen speaks about his journey from a young boy in Vietnam to a new life
in Perth.
Speaking on the 125th anniversary of St John of God Subiaco Hospital Chief Executive Officer Tina Chinery said the Hospital is an iconic Western Australian organisation and one that many residents have a connection with.
With thanks to our sponsor, UniSuper, for their very valued support.
Don’t forget that these and many more stories are available at www.therecord.com.au