By Amanda Murthy
“The Father gives us the Son and the Spirit, for the full truth and love, that we might be led back to Him.”
Those were the words addressed by Cathedral Dean Father Sean Fernandez to the parish community of St Mary’s Cathedral during his homily of the Feast of the Holy Trinity, celebrated on Sunday 16 June.
The Mass, participated by more than 300 congregation members, was accompanied by the St Mary’s Cathedral choir who led in the songs and parts of the Mass in traditional Latin and English music.
Fr Fernandez began his homily by recounting the promise Jesus had made to His first disciples on sending the Holy Spirit to them.
“I still have many things to say to you, but they will be too much for you now,” Fr Fernandez said, recounting the words of Jesus.
“But when the Spirit of truth comes, He will lead you to the complete truth.”
That spirit of truth, which Jesus refers to, Fr Fernandez explained, was not just addressed to the disciples 2000 years ago, or “at the beginning of our Christian lives”.
“The Lord speaks to us, at every moment of our Christian life,” he stated.
“There is always truth that is too much for us now.
“Truth which we cannot fully accept because we are all in need of continual conversion at every stage of our lives,” he added.
To help the congregation understand the source of the Holy Spirit, Fr Fernandez went on to explain who God is.
“Our God is nothing like the Greek or Roman Gods, He is nothing like some powerful invisible person who runs the universe, He is not a bigger version of us.
“God is the reason for the existence of all that is – but is not just another existing thing.
God is greater than all creation and within all creation and this is the God that we profess to,” Fr Fernandez added.
The Cathedral Dean went on to say that God – who is made up of threefold relation of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit – gave us His Spirit that frees and enables us to love with the love of God Himself.
“The Lord gives us a Spirit who will lead us slowly, deeper into His truth by leading us deeper into the words, the life and the teachings of Jesus, who receives everything He has and everything that He is, from the Father.
“The threefold relation, is one we had experienced, in the mission of the Son, Jesus Christ, who gives us life, wisdom and counsel.”
Fr Fernandez ended his homily by stating that God, through His Son Jesus Christ, gave us His Spirit so that we can be co-heirs with His Son and sharers in the life of God.
“What a great mystery, what great love at the heart of our faith.
“There is nothing more wonderful than the faith we celebrate and profess,” he concluded.