By Rachel Curry
A record number of young people were called to rediscover Saint Pope John Paul II’s immortal words, “Life with Christ is a wonderful adventure”, at Catholic Youth Ministry’s annual Teens Camp last weekend.
The Pope’s message served as a theme throughout the event, which took place at Bickley Outdoor Recreation Camp from Friday, 9 October to Sunday, 11 October and attracted its biggest ever turnout, with 56 young people and 12 youth leaders.
Youth Worker at Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM), Josh Low, said the camp was open to Catholics and non-Catholics alike from Years 7 to 12 who wanted to have fun and make friends in a positive Christian environment.
“The purpose of it is to present a viewpoint of Catholic faith that they’re not necessarily getting in society, to give them an opportunity to explore their faith and learn a bit more about it and hopefully to inspire them to seek out their faith on their own as well,” he said.
“It was something that was said at the end of the camp: the adventure continues from here.”
Presenters at the camp included the Archdiocese of Perth’s Youth Chaplain, Father Brennan Sia, and Assistant Director of Vocations, Fr Mark Baumgarten, alongside Mr Low and CYM youth leaders Eliza McKay, Matt Woodford, Montana McCann and Rachel Hicks.
Attendees also had the chance to take part in various adventure activities, including search and rescue tasks and raft building, make their own personalised T-shirts and perform in a talent show.
Mr Low said the feedback from the young people in attendance had been really positive.
“I had one of the kids come up to me and say, ‘It’s such an inspiration to have something like this’,” he said.
“They enjoy the adventure activities, of course, but they also really appreciate the talks, which are about things that they don’t really have the chance to explore with their friends at school.
“It kind of enables them, if they’re not doing so already, to actively seek out their faith. All we can do is plant seeds and hopefully the fruit will grow.”
The teenagers are not the only ones who enjoyed the experience, Mr Low added, with the youth leaders taking a lot of satisfaction out of the weekend.
“It’s really inspiring for us as leaders to see the kids getting really involved. I was really touched by a lot of young people who, during the Eucharistic Adoration, came out and asked for intentions or asked to be prayed for,” he said.
For more information about Catholic Youth Ministry, visit www.cym.com.au.