Why believe in God? Youth initiative invites youth to consider.
By Olivia Lavis
The second Sunday Sesh for the year drew crowds of over 70 young people
at two seperate venues – Queen of Apostles, Riverton and Infant Jesus
parish in Morley.
Each month the Catholic Youth Ministry office, in conjunction with a
host parish, runs a youth night North and South of the River as a way
to gather young people in the same region together to network, receive
some formation and pray with other young people in the Church.
Last month’s Sunday Sessions consisted of an enlightening talk by
Auxiliary Bishop Donald Sproxton that endeavoured to tackle the
question ‘Why Believe in God’?
Although it was a daunting task for the bishop to answer such a big
question, he managed to do so with some great quotes and insights from
different philosophers and theologians.
Both Sessions had a young person from the host parish share their own
personal faith journey. Emma Lock from Morley Parish gave an amazing
testimony of her journey as a young person searching for the truth.
Emma recently completed the RCIA program and was received into the Church this past Easter.
It was really encouraging to hear how her desire to answer the many questions in her heart led her to the Catholic Church.
According to CYM parish officer Catherine Gallo Martinez, at Riverton,
Juliette Cirillo “had the crowd engaged as she shared her experiences
of having faith in God and how it has strengthened her life”.
In general, Catherine felt that “the Riverton Parish Youth really came
together as a close community to work towards an awesome Sunday Sesh”.
“It was an up-beat and unifying night, where newcomers were welcomed
and the youth enjoyed a great talk, an awesome testimony and great
food,” she said.
“But the true highlight of the night was the vibrant energy from the young people which made the night a success.”
Morley Parish also organised a great night and in particular it was
incredible to see the amount of discussion provoked by the young people
over the evening’s theme.The Sesh wrapped up with a taste of Lectio Divina lead by the young
people and a praise song to inspire people as they went on their way.
Olivia Lavis is the Youth Ministry Worker at Perth Catholic Youth Ministry.
This month’s Sunday Sessions are:
May 10, 6pm Mass, 7.15pm Sunday Sesh
@ St Thomas More, Bateman.
May 17, 5.45pm Mass, 7pm Sunday Sesh
@ Our Lady of the Mission, Whitfords.
More details at www.cym.com.au