St John of God Health Care has appointed Mr Paul Dyer as its new CEO at St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals. His appointment takes effect from 9 May 2022.
He takes over from incumbent CEO Michael Hogan, who is moving back to his home state of Victoria in July to take on a CEO role in one of St John of God Health Care’s Victorian hospitals and will initially work alongside him to ensure a smooth transition of the hospital operations.
Mr Dyer is currently CEO of the 205 bed St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital and has more than 10 years’ experience in senior health care leadership roles. Immediately prior to his appointment as CEO St John of God Mt Lawley Hospital, he held the dual role of CEO/Director of Nursing (DON) at St John of God Midland Private Hospital from 2017 to 2019.
He has deep familiarity with the hospital, the local community and the Public Private Partnership between St John of God Health Care and the Western Australian State Government through the East Metropolitan Health Service.
St John of God Health Care Group CEO Dr Shane Kelly said Mr Dyer was selected through a rigorous recruitment process, from a competitive field of internal and external candidates.
“Mr Dyer is an excellent appointment and a great example of the benefits of fostering strong internal talent and expertise,” Mr Kelly said.
“He has a background as a clinician and experience in multiple St John of God Health Care hospital CEO and leadership roles in New South Wales, Victoria, and Western Australia.
“He also has extensive experience managing longstanding public health contracts and working with the public system, and a focus and commitment to high quality, safe patient care to the community, which will ensure the hospital continues to meet the health needs of the Midland and surrounding region in the future,” he said.
Mr Dyer, who has been with St John of God Health Care for more than 20 years, commenced his career at St John of God Bendigo Hospital as a registered nurse before moving into a range of leadership roles in the organisation.
Other more recent roles include CEO at St John of God Geraldton Hospital where he worked together with the local public hospital and the WA Country Health Service to provide services on request to them so that regional community had access to comprehensive care close to home.
Dr Kelly said that the role of CEO St John of God Midland Public and Private Hospitals was a key position in the organisation. “We recognise the privilege and responsibility we have been given to provide public hospital services to the community.
“This is only possible through the strong relationships we have with the WA Department of Health and the East Metropolitan Health Service, and we look forward to continuing to build and strengthen these relationships.”