St Charles’ archdiocesan seminary was the site of ecumenism in a shared love of learning earlier this month.
On Wednesday, August 7, the Rev Dr Peter Llewellyn, Dean of Ministry at John Wollaston Anglican Theological College and 12 students for the Anglican ministry visited St Charles in its picturesque surrounds of Guildford.
The afternoon of fellowship started with afternoon tea, followed by four seminarians sharing their vocational story with their Anglican visitors.
Vespers was then celebrated together in the seminary chapel led by seminary rector Monsignor Kevin Long and Father Peter from Wollaston.
A lovely meal, much conversation and further sharing concluded the visit. All agreed that St Charles and Wollaston College should hold an annual meeting.
St Charles currently has 17 full-time students, with around half being in their first four years of formation. Seminary formation averages seven years.
Seminarians usually study at Notre Dame University in Fremantle although several seminarians for the Archdiocese of Perth are currently receiving formation in Rome.