St Charles gets new Dean of Studies

28 Feb 2008

By The Record

By Anthony Barich

A Christian Brother former principal of Aquinas, Trinity and CBC Fremantle Colleges with over 50 years experience in education has been appointed temporary Dean of Studies at St Charles Seminary.
Brother John Carrigg, who also lectured at the University of Notre Dame Australia in Fremantle for eight years and spent recent years as a missionary in Kenya, has been appointed for two years, working three days a week.

Perth Vicar General Fr Brian O’Loughlin had earlier told The Record
that the Archdiocesan search party was looking at two eastern states
dioceses for a replacement for Canon lawyer Fr Brian Limbourn, whose
contract ran out last year.
However, Fr O’Loughlin said last week “we would prefer to have someone
local, and Brother Carrigg has been outstanding in education”.
“We’re also encouraged by the fact that not all these positions need a
priest, and it does revive the association of the Christian brothers
with the foundation of St Charles,Seminary as Brother Conlan was on the
foundation staff with Archbishop Launcelot Goody.
“So in turning to Brother Carrigg we have a fine educationalist and a
man who has been very accustomed to assisting students and knows
academia well.”
As he returned from Kenya due to health problems, Brother Carrigg, who
took up office on February 26, is only a temporary replacement until
they can find a permanent Dean of Studies.
St Charles’ Rector Fr Don Hughes OMI said the main requisite is
familiarity with the university system, which Brother Carrigg has in
spades having lectured at UNDA.
“He’s a man who has a wonderful vision of the Church, he’s a Church man
through and through, which is what we need in formators to impart the
spirit of love of the church,” Fr Hughes said.
Brother Carrigg was briefed on Tuesday by Fr Joseph Parkinson, who
stood in as temporary Dean of Studies until the Christian Brother
Brother Carrigg will liaise with Fr Peter Black, the Dean of UNDA’s College of Theology and Philosophy.
The Archdiocese must now consider a replacement for Fr Hughes, whose three-year tenure as Rector ends at the end of this year.