By Amanda Murthy
Students past and present, along with staff, family and friends of St Brigid’s Catholic College gathered at the Lesmurdie campus to commemorate the school’s 90th birthday celebration.
Principal Carmen Cox, who commenced her role in January this year, was joined by past principals, Mary Retel, Sister Joan Buckham, Institute Vicar of the Sisters of Mercy Sr Caroline Ryan, Sisters of Mercy and Director of Catholic Education in WA, Dr Debra Sayce.
The vibrant festivities held on Sunday 31 March, began with an evening Mass at the College grounds, celebrated by Father Michael McMahon OMI.
Students participated in the Mass by singing in the choir, and reading the prayers of the faithful.
In a speech for the occasion, Sr Buckham reflected on the Gospel reading of the day, noting that the parable of the prodigal son sends the message of relationships and connections.
“The fourth Sunday in Lent reminds us that God, like the father in the story, is always patiently waiting for us because He is a God of Mercy and Compassion,” she said.
“Each one here knows of at least one time in our life where we have done something that we are not proud of and that we sincerely regret, this parable shows us a way forward.”
The former principal continued her speech by recounting the events which took place during the early years of St Brigid’s, while paying tribute to the Sisters.
“On 29 April 1929, school officially commenced here at St Brigid’s,” Sr Buckham recounted.
“It was spoken of as St Brigid’s in the Hills, 36 boarders and three day pupils bumped their way up Lesmurdie Hill on the back of a shearer’s truck along with two cars transporting the Sisters and baby boarders from the West Perth foundation which was also called St Brigid’s.
“What vision and foresight those early Sisters had and what great women they were, hard-working, dedicated human beings each of them.
“They taught all day, ran the business of the College and looked after the boarders when school finished,” she added.
Sr Buckham went on to explain that the Sisters, who were also known as ‘Lay-Sisters’, performed the cooking, washing, ironing duties, despite only being a team of four people.
“They lived a full religious community life being expected to remain up for night prayers, while ensuring that all students received a quality education.
“We will remember the Sisters who taught in the College over the years. Their days were long and their care was extraordinary.
“Each of them had and shared their particular gift or talent, and inspired many of us to be more vigilant about the environment, to love learning, to be compassionate, to treat one another with respect and as decent human beings, to listen to each other without judgment.
Sr Buckham added that although the Sisters of Mercy are no longer a daily presence in the College, current staff could definitely carry the spirit of Mercy in their hearts and minds.
“The Principals who have led the College since the Sisters handed over the leadership to Mrs Mary Retel, Dr Amelia Toffili and now Mrs Carmen Cox are committed to Mercy,” Sr Buckham said.
“Days like today can be a wonderful lift of each person’s spirit – We meet up with people we haven’t seen since we left the College, however, the challenge for today is to remember the good times and what your education and life at St Brigid’s has helped you to cope with.”
At the conclusion of the Mass, attendees were seen catching up with one another, making new friends and reuniting with old ones.
Two cakes displaying an imprinted image of the school from the earlier years, were cut by representatives of past and present students. A meal was provided by the school, along with a mini fun-fair setting, to keep the younger ones entertained.
Ms Cox said it was lovely to meet all the families present and to be a part of such a memorable experience.
“What a wonderful celebration to commemorate our 90th birthday! To share the day with so many past students, parents and friends of the College, as well as the current students, their families and the staff – It was indeed a memorable experience,” she concluded.