Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB has this week encouraged the Perth Catholic community to pray for peace in Ukraine.
In a letter to parishes this week, Archbishop Costelloe said that, conscious of the teaching of Saint Paul “to pray without ceasing” (1Thess 5:17) and of the words of Jesus himself instructing us to “ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be open to you” (Matt 7:7), he would like to encourage people to pray for peace in Ukraine.
“And for all those in that country, and beyond, who in so many different ways are enduring great suffering at this time,” Archbishop Costelloe said.
Archbishop Costelloe has also composed a prayer with the sincere hope it will be prayed at all Masses on this coming weekend.
“You might also consider making the prayer available by projecting it on the screens in your church if you have such a facility, by reproducing it in the parish newsletter, or by making copies available for people to take home.
“It will also be available on the Archdiocesan website and you might consider directing people there if they want a personal copy.
“It is written as a prayer which can be prayed by individuals, by families and by parish and other communities.
Archbishop Costelloe continued by saying that Ukrainian Catholic Church Parish Priest Fr Ihor Holovko and the Ukrainian Catholic community here in Perth are very grateful for our support and our prayers.
“Thank you to all of you who have reached out to Fr Ihor and his community at this time. Let us continue to support them in every way we can.
St Mary’s Cathedral Gathering
Hundreds gathered on Sunday 6 March on the grounds of St Mary’s Cathedral in a show of solidarity and to pray for the people of Ukraine.
Led by the Ukrainian Association of Western Australia Inc., some 350 people listened to words of support from several Federal and State Ministers.
Those in attendance included Minister for Finance, Racing and Gaming, Aboriginal Affairs; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests, Hon Dr Tony Buti, WA Leader of the Opposition,
Dr David Honey MLA, Government Whip in the Senate, Senator Dean Smith, Deputy Chair of Committee of Privileges and Members’ Interests, Senator Patrick Gorman MP, Federal Member for Moore, Ian Goodenough MP, Federal Member for Stirling Vince Connelly MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Transport, Planning and Ports, Jessica Stojkovski MLA, Member for Mount Lawley, Simon Millman MLA and Member for Darling Range, John Hughes MLA.
Several Consul Generals and Honorable Consuls were also in attendance including the Unites States of America, Germany, Estonia, the People’s Republic of China, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Croatia, Greece, Hungry, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Poland, Malta, North Macedonia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Kazakhstan and Austria.
Ukrainian Association of Western Australia Inc. President Mykola Mowczan said that without support Ukraine stands no chance against one of the biggest military powers in the world.
“We applaud the decision made by the Government to fast track visas for people seeking refuge in Australia, I believe up to 1000 people are already heading towards our shores,” Mr Mowczan said.
“I thank everyone who has uttered a kind word, those that have wanted to help with orphans and resettle families, who have donated money. It does not matter what – it all counts because you cared enough to stop and do it and for that everyone in Ukraine thanks you and we thank you,”
“My parents, like many of yours had the opportunity to migrate to Australia after World War II and later, after the Ukrainian independence in 1991, many Ukrainians migrated to Australia to make a better life for their families.
“The Australian-Ukrainian Community are in shock and disbelief because our families, our friends are being killed and separated from one another, huddle in basements, in underground train tunnels, flee to neighbouring countries, not to mention the elderly and infirmed who can’t move to safety,” he said.
Notre Dame stands side-by-side with Ukraine
In a statement issued earlier this week, the University of Notre Dame Australia has said it stands side-by-side and in solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
“The University of Notre Dame Australia does not have any institutional ties to Russia,” the statement said, issued by Chancellor, the Hon Christopher Ellison, and Vice Chancellor, Professor Francis Campbell.
“As a Catholic university, we hold close the ideal of freedom and the right for all citizens to live in peace, safety and without fear.
“We stand with the international community and echo the sentiments of Pope Francis who this week called for peace by appealing “to the conscience of all those who have power over war and peace.”
“We praise the words of the United Nations Secretary General in calling on the Russian Government to withdraw its forces from Ukraine.
“As a Catholic University we also endorse the statements issued by the International Federation of Catholic Universities and the Consortium of Catholic Universities.
“We stand with our colleagues at the Catholic University of Lviv in praying for a return to peace and we will reach out to offer practical assistance and help where possible.
“Our prayers and thoughts are with all those people suffering in Ukraine and elsewhere at this time and we hope during this time of Lent that peace will prevail.