One of Western Australia’s leading aged care providers, Southern Cross Care WA Inc (SCC), took the opportunity to honour and celebrate the on-going efforts of their beloved “superheroes”, on the National Aged Care Employee Day (ACED).
Held annually on 7 August, ACED serves as a gesture of gratitude towards more than 365,000 dedicated staff who care for and provide support for more than 1.3 million elderly Australians daily.
John Hill, SCC Head of Human Resources, said it was particularly important for SCC to celebrate ACED and the wonderful work of its employees amid the COVID-19 crisis.
“SCC encouraged members of the community to post messages of thanks on the virtual ‘wall of thanks’ available on our website,” Mr Hill said.
“Staff were humbled reading the kind and thoughtful messages posted by the valued SCC community and their families,” he added.
SCC Chief Executive Officer Errol Turner thanked staff for their outstanding dedication in protecting the community, especially during the challenges of the pandemic.
“The elderly are the most vulnerable group, and it is through the dedication and consideration of our workers in what are sometimes challenging but also very rewarding roles, that makes a huge difference in their lives,” Mr Turner said.
“The dedication our staff have shown to protect the community we serve is outstanding and continues as our aged care community faces the continual challenges of COVID-19.
“I am extremely proud of the way our entire organisation has responded and adapted to this unprecedented health care challenge,” he added.
Mr Turner went on to pledge his heartfelt sympathy to those who have lost a loved one, or to aged care workers who have been impacted by the virus.
SCC Chairman Brad Prentice personally thanked members of the SCC community for their continued support, pledging his hope for residents and clients, along with their families and loved ones to remain safe and well, especially during these trying times.
“Thank you for a job well done, thank you for the role you play, thank you for your consideration and compassion,” Mr Prentice said.
The celebrations continued with morning teas organised at each site and a presentation of the Executive Excellence Awards, a quarterly recognition which pays tribute to SCC staff who demonstrate outstanding capability in their work, while exercising the values at the heart of the organisation.
Frank Prendergast House Care Services Manager, Emily Wood, expressed words of praise and support for Ms Lei’s achievement.
SCC Support Worker and Volunteer Lily Lei, from Frank Prendergast House, was awarded for the dedication she shows every day as both a Support Worker and a Volunteer.
“Lily goes above and beyond in everything that she does,” Ms Wood expressed.
“In addition to her daily tasks as a multiskilled support worker, she comes in on a volunteer basis.
“Every Friday she finishes up her shift, goes home to change, and comes back to volunteer at the Friday afternoon concert.
“She has residents up and dancing, helps give out afternoon tea and does the dishes afterwards,” Ms Wood added.
“We always have beautiful fresh roses around the facility which Lily brings on every Monday morning from her own garden and we are grateful for her.”
For more information, visit: www.scrosswa.org.au