June is ‘Growing Families Month’ for Perth radio station 98.5 Sonshine FM, with the Como-based team focusing on highlighting the value of families.
Throughout the month the station will broadcast several special programs on family life, as well as hosting regular interviews with community leaders on their thoughts on the value of families.
General manager of 98five Bevan Jones said the station was committed to celebrating and supporting families across Perth.
“We want to help grow families in Perth and WA emotionally, practically and spiritually for the better,” he said.
“As a father of three boys I understand how hard it is to raise a family, let alone do it well. I think Perth’s mums and dad’s need a big hug and as much support and cheering on as we can give them.
“We’re all part of a big family so why not do what families should do and experience life together?”
The station’s current programming includes daily encouragement spots such as ‘Focus on the family’ and ‘Kin women’, as well as regular discussions with parenting experts.
But Mr Jones said there would be even more family-based segments on air in June.
“We are adding family games, challenging families to attempt a variety of tasks together, prize draws to win family board games,” he said.
There will also be numerous live testimonies from Perth celebrities and locals, discussing what they value most about family and what their biggest wish is for their family and community.
“We will also be highlighting churches and organisations in Perth that are there to assist and help families in many different ways,” Mr Jones said.
“We understand that all families are special and unique and throughout June we want to provide families with good advice, inspiration, a few laughs and a pat on the back.”
Plans are also underway for a new Catholic radio show called ‘The Journey’, which will air on Sonshine FM weekly, commencing in September.