By Jamie O’Brien
Midland Assistant Priest Fr Liam Ryan has this week recalled to The Record the moments he and two other men helped save the life of shark attack survivor 28-year-old Dunsborough man Phil Mummert.
Fr Ryan, who was on holidays in Bunker Bay, 260kms south of Perth, was out surfing with family friend Jess Woolhouse last Friday 31 July, when the four to five metre great white shark opened its jaws, snapping off the surfboard of Mr Mummert and biting into his upper thigh.
“We knew we had to act quickly and I remember asking God to help us all as much as possible – and he did,” he said.
The situation unfolded about 2.15pm on Friday when the great white threw Mr Mummert off his board, sinking its jaws into his upper leg. Fending off a second attack, Mr Mummert held his board in the predator’s mouth, punching the shark on its nose with both fists.
With the shark continuing to circle, local surfer Alex Oliver, together with Mr Woolhouse and Fr Ryan saw what was happening and put their lives at risk, paddling straight at the huge shark so they could push Mr Mummert onto the longboard of Mr Oliver.
“To be honest when I saw them coming towards me I was thinking ‘what are you doing’ – save yourself,” Mr Mummert said, in an interview with The Record.
“They really are heroes to come towards someone in that situation. The shark was very much there as they got to me,” he said.
“The risk was very real – I can’t put it into words how grateful I am to them.”
Mr Oliver then continued to bring Mr Mummert on his board 100m to shore. Another fellow surfer, Brett Jones, brought his car onto the beach for transport.
Mr Mummert said that at the time they arrived on the sand, he didn’t know the extent of his injuries, but he felt safe having the likes of Alex Oliver, Fr Ryan and Jess Woolhouse supporting him.
“I felt safe. I felt like everything was going to be ok,” Mr Mummert said.
Mr Woolhouse explained that by the time they got to shore, six or seven other people were there ready to help. Another local surfer calmly held Mr Mummert’s cuts together for nearly an hour to reduce the bleeding until paramedics arrived.
“At that moment, there was so many things happening in such a short space of time,” married father of three, Mr Woolhouse explained.
“For me, having seen a guy in a life or death situation – I knew we couldn’t have done what we did if we didn’t pull together and support each other.
“It has been a real humbling experience and I am glad to see and know that Phil [Mummert] is recovering,” Mr Woolhouse said.
With about four bite marks, Mr Mummert, a geologist, underwent surgery at Bunbury Hospital and is now recovering back home in Dunsborough.
The men had the opportunity to gather on Monday this week at Mr Mummerts home.
“It has been very special to be able to see him again and share our experiences,” Fr Liam said.
“This event has helped me to see that the Christian faith is centred on the fact that someone has not only risked by given his life for us,” he continued.
“It helped me realise that knowing Christ’s love has a real effect on how we act and react to situations in life.
“It enables us to offer ourselves to help others, to risk. What a joy it is to know this love!” he concluded.
Updated Sat 8 August.