Eight young men from St Charles’ Seminary were one of the many groups which performed at the City Beach Parish Hall to help raise funds for the Respect Life Office.
Known as the St Charles’ Seminary Schola Cantorum (Scola), they performed three hymns: the famous Panis Angelicus, Dona Nobis Pacem and the Magnificat.
Schola Cantorum comes from the latin which means ‘school of singers’, especially for the purpose of rendering music in church.
Led by Garner Vergara, the Schola’s musical director, the Panis Angelicus and Dona Nobis Pacem pieces were sung in three parts (tenor, baritone and bass) while the Magnificat was sung in polyphony.
Mr Vergara, the Seminary musical director, said the repertoire was chosen for its beauty and to showcase the richness of the Catholic musical heritage.
“Most importantly,” he added, “these precious and ancient hymns are prayers in themselves. It helps us connect with God.”
As St Augustine said “a person who sings, prays twice”.
One member of the audience said that he was very impressed with the choir’s choral ability, and remarked on the musical talent of these young men who are journeying towards the priesthood.
The seminarians engage in a thorough music program at St Charles’ Seminary through weekly musical/choral practice and regularly sing during Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours.
Mr Vergara went on to say that the Schola have another singing engagement booked for October, which they are looking forward to, so look out for them in the future.