More than 100 people gathered last weekend at St Mary’s Cathedral for a Mass in support of Pregnancy Assistance, the Perth-based independent Catholic organisation which provides support to women in need of care throughout their pregnancy.
In his homily for the occasion, Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, who co-celebrated the Mass with Archbishop Emeritus Barry Hickey, spoke on the importance of recognising the dignity of every human person and praying for those who, in their despair, have become confused to this truth.
“The ecology of humanity is an idea that Pope Francis used in his encyclical, Laudato Si’, in which he says that we have a responsibility for the relationship we have with God, with each other and with the earth,” Bishop Don said.
“Pope Francis tells the Biblical story of creation and how it was through sin that these relationships had been affected, limiting our ability to choose good instead of evil,” he added.
Taking inspiration from St John Paul II, Bishop Don stated that “it is a question of seeing that little baby in the womb as being someone instead of something” and commended Pregnancy Assistance for its witness to this fundamental truth.
“The presence of Pregnancy Assistance, and all of you associated with the work, is providing a wonderful witness to our belief in the dignity of every human life and the right every person has to life itself,” he said.
At the morning tea that followed, Chair for Pregnancy Assistance, Eric Jas, thanked all previous and current supporters of the organisation and informed the attendees on upcoming events and initiatives.
“We are grateful for the vision of those who started it all, who built a chapel in the house and made it a home, a home for people in need.
“The current group of volunteers is doing an amazing job but we need to build on that to make sure that we can build on this for the future and remain sustainable,” Mr Jas said.
“We have a new newsletter and are looking into renovating the website, holding presentations at schools and parishes and organising more events,” he concluded.
The first edition of Hope and Life, a new bi-annual newsletter produced by Pregnancy Assistance, is available electronically at http://issuu.com/monkmedia/docs/hope_and_life_newsletter_issuu.
Initiated by Archbishop Barry Hickey in 1996, Pregnancy Assistance provides compassionate care and practical support to an ever-growing number of pregnant women and mothers in need.
To support Pregnancy Assistance with your skills, time or financial aid, you can contact its office on 08 9328 2929 or go to its website at www.pregnancyassistance.org.au for more information.