By Michael Soh
The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick was administered at a special service at St Mary’s Cathedral on May 25.
Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB and the Cathedral clergy administered the Sacrament after the 11am Mass, which the Archbishop celebrated.
“In this morning’s Mass, and in the celebration of the Anointing of the Sick which will follow Mass, we are focusing in particular on the struggles and difficulties, the challenges associated with ill health,” Archbishop Costelloe said during his homily.
“For those who are sick, and especially for those who are seriously or chronically ill, these challenges are very real.
“Alongside the pain and suffering caused by the illness itself, there is often the sense of powerlessness, the fear of what lies ahead, the loss of independence, and the shrinking of life’s opportunities. Often, too, there is a sense of loneliness, isolation and sometimes even rejection.”
The Archbishop also spoke about how the Blessed Virgin Mary has an association with healing.
“We all know the story of the appearances of Mary to St Bernadette in Lourdes and we have all heard of the extraordinary ministry of healing which is now associated with Lourdes,” he said.
“In a way, the title of yesterday’s feast, Mary Help of Christians, points us in the same direction.
“As the Lord was dying on the cross, he gave his mother Mary to the Church, the community of his disciples, as both our mother and our helper.”
Bottles of water from the spring at Lourdes were distributed during the Anointing of the Sick.