Rockingham Parish was recently host to an international food festival to celebrate its 60th anniversary. Photo: Supplied.
Contribution from Rockingham Parish
Rockingham Parish was recently host to an international food festival to celebrate its 60th anniversary.
Several groups present within the parish community were showcased in a stand of their own, including LourdesCare, the Legion of Mary, the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, Bible groups, the Safeguarding Programme, youth activities (Catholic Youth Ministry, Lifted High Young Adults, 24/7 South Youth Group) and the Op Shop.
A stand was also dedicated to a photo history of the parish.
Multiple countries brought the contribution of their traditions and food, including Australia, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, South Africa, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Samoa, Fiji and other Pacific islands, Brazil and South American countries, Croatia and many more.
Staff of Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School manned an international table, while the Parents and Friends took care of the coffee and other beverages. Staff members of Kolbe Catholic College were also on board.
Those who attended were entertained by the children of Star of the Sea Primary School choir, Kolbe College students, talent shows, and various cultural singing and dancing.
The day’s events were a great opportunity for bringing the community together to celebrate the growth of the parish, the gift of our many cultures and gifts, all sharing our one faith.