Rite of Election 2018: 155 catechumens and candidates called to take courage in following Jesus

01 Mar 2018

By Joshua Low

The Archbishop said that by being baptised, or by being received into full communion with the Catholic Church means becoming a part of the body of Christ. Photo: Josh Low.


By Josh Low

Taking courage and not being afraid to answer the call to baptism and full communion in the Church in following Jesus and being His living presence in the world was at the core of Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB’s message last week.

The Archbishop’s comments came during his homily for the Rite of Election of Catechumens and Formal Recognition of Candidates on 22 February at St Mary’s Cathedral.

This year’s event saw 155 people presented alongside their sponsors to the Archbishop and his delegates. Photo: Josh Low.

An annual Lenten ceremony which marks an important step in the conversion journey of both the catechumens (those unbaptised) and the candidates (those baptised in other Christian denominations), this year’s event saw 155 people presented alongside their sponsors to the Archbishop and his delegates.

The Archbishop’s delegates included Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton, Vicar General, the Very Rev Father Peter Whitely VG and Acting Cathedral Dean, Fr Don Kettle.

Vicar General, the Very Rev Father Peter Whitely VG speaks to a catechumen and their sponsor. Photo: Josh Low.

In his homily, Archbishop Costelloe emphasised that God has been at work deep within the catechumens and candidates, calling and inviting them to follow Him, adding that doing so involves becoming a means by which Christ reaches out to others.

“Just as Jesus chose His first disciples, so He has chosen you. Just as Jesus asked of His first disciples that they bear fruit that will last, so he is asking the same of you.

“The call to baptism and the call to full communion in the Lord’s Church is a precious gift which the Lord wants to give you, but it is a gift He offers not just for you, but so that through you, Christ will reach out to others offering them the gift of life and hope,” he said.

Acting Dean of the Cathedral, Fr Don Kettle speaks to a catechumen and their sponsor. Photo: Josh Low.

The Archbishop said that by being baptised, or by being received into full communion with the Catholic Church, catechumens and candidates will become part of a community; the body of Christ.

“By becoming, or becoming more fully, a member of the Church you become a part of Christ’s body, a part of a people who are called to be the living presence of Jesus in the world today.

“The gift you will receive at Easter is a gift you are called to give away – and the more you give it away the more truly and deeply will you hold on to it,” Archbishop Costelloe said.

Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton greets one of the candidates and their sponsor at the ceremony. Photo: Josh Low.

“This is the paradox and the logic of faith and the mystery of the Church of which you are soon to be a much valued member.

“In moments of doubt and uncertainty, never forget the words of Jesus which He will address to you personally in such times: “Courage! Do not be afraid for I am with you,” he concluded.