“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” – John 3:17
Motivational preacher Father Larry Richards captivated audiences at Evangelisation Australia’s recent ‘Why be Catholic’ conference from 18 to 20 October.
“We are created by love, to be love, in a world that doesn’t know love,” Fr Richards said, during his first ever visit to Perth.
The Pennsylvanian priest spoke on the topics of “Truth”, “Discerning God’s will”, “Confession”, “Surrender”, and “Prayer” at St Vincent’s Church, Kwinana Parish.

In an exclusive interview with The eRecord, Fr Richards said his ministry work of evangelisation is done to remind people that “Catholicism is truth”.
“Everybody wants to seek what’s true. The ultimate truth is that God is love, and the deepest need in everyone’s heart is to be loved,” he explained.
“People try to fill emptiness with everything else; the only thing that’s really going to fill their emptiness is God and His love.”
The 58-year-old evangelist said he hoped the biggest outlook shift he could influence on the listening attendees is for them to go from “head knowledge of God” to “heart knowledge of God”.
Fr Richards encouraged Australians to voice their feelings for the forthcoming Plenary Council 2020, and said we must all begin by praying about it.
“The most important thing I do as a priest is pray. Praying is more important than breathing,” he stated.
“Before we start to speak about what any of our opinions are, we all have to spend time listening to God, because God has a plan for this Plenary gathering of Church leaders; we have to make sure that we’re doing His plan, and not our plan.
“It should be, ‘God, what do you want us to do?’ – and then we do whatever He tells us.”
Fr Larry Richards is a public speaker, retreat master, radio show host, and author who tackles the answers to some of life’s most profound questions with a resolute mindset.
To obtain copies of his materials or to listen to his homilies, visit: www.thereasonforourhope.org