By Adrienne Williams

Did you know that workplace giving is a powerful and efficient way to support the causes you care most about, and make a lasting difference in the lives of those they serve?
Children like Kaleb* are just one example of those being supported through Catholic Mission’s Workplace Giving program.
Growing up in one of the poorest nations in the world, children like Kaleb are often unable to attend school or advance beyond primary education because their parents are unable to afford school fees and supplies.
Kaleb’s mother is the sole provider for the family and struggles to provide food and a home for her family of seven on her small income as a street vendor.
COVID-19 further impacted Ayana’s income, making covering school fees for her children impossible.
In Ethiopia, approximately 95 per cent of children do not have access to basic goods and services, and only 52.4 per cent of children from urban areas complete secondary school.
Sister Carmen Sammut SJA created the scholarship program at the Lideta Catholic Cathedral School (LCCS) in Addis Abba, which offers children from families facing hardship a placement at school so they can continue their education.
She says, “my dream and vision for the community is that our projects continue growing and reaches other hundreds of families and kids. For the students, this is a golden opportunity to access a scholarship to one of the best schools in the country. The ethical formation of the school impacts students positively and helps them to become good citizens, educated and give back to the community.”
Catholic Mission supports Sister Carmen and her work with students and families at LCCS, and many projects like it in Australia and around the world.
Workplace giving provides a wonderful opportunity for employees and employers, no matter the field, to contribute to their favourite mission programs with pre-tax donations. Contributions go a long way in helping Catholic Mission support children, communities, and Church leaders around the world.
To date, over 600 students who graduated from LCCS have gone on to become doctors, but there is more to be done. A scholarship for one student for a year costs approximately $425, which is a gift of $16.35 per fortnight as a workplace gift.
To learn more about workplace giving visit or scan the QR code.
*Names have been modified to protect identity