Following the words of Saint Oscar Romero and Pope Francis, Caritas Australia invites Catholics in Australia to follow the words “draw people out of themselves and towards others” during this season of Lent.
Growing up in Tanzania, 22-year-old Oliva didn’t have the opportunity to go to school. She went through life embarrassed that she was unable to read, write or count. As an adult, her small business lost money because customers were taking advantage of her.

Living in the Arusha region of northern Tanzania with her farmer husband and four children, Oliva is blessed with two sons aged seven and two. She has adopted her niece and nephew, who have lived with her family since her husband’s brother died seven years ago.
To make ends meet, Oliva runs a kiosk to sell grocery products and serves tea and snacks while also working as a casual labourer on local onion farms.
Her inability to read, write or count used to hinder her ability to earn an income until she enrolled in literacy and numeracy classes as part of the Caritas Australia A+ Program – a collaboration of Caritas Australia and Diocese of Mbulu Development Department (DMDD) – three years ago.
The program helps the community identify its resources and ways to achieve its vision for a better future.
“Due to our low family income, my parents could not send me to school,” Oliva said.
“My mother preferred that I take work as a labourer. I felt inferior and didn’t interact with my friends.
“When I went to church, and the pastor said, ‘Let us open our Bible and read,’ I couldn’t read a single word. As an adult, people used to take advantage of me because I couldn’t count. I was operating my business at a great loss,” she continued.
As part of the program, Oliva started attending Caritas Australia-supported literacy classes in the village. She noticed that other women were interested in the classes but were too shy and embarrassed to be in the same class as their children.
Around 25 per cent of Tanzanian girls and women over 15 years cannot read or write[i]. Many families are unable to afford school fees or uniforms. Schools are often a long way from home with limited resources and few teachers willing to work in remote rural areas.
Women in Tanzania also tend to bear household tasks, with low participation in activities outside the home and limited decision-making powers within their family and community.
Even though Oliva was still learning herself, she set up a classroom in her mud house and started passing on her knowledge to her neighbours.
Oliva has now graduated, as have some of her students – and attendance at her classes is growing. Her children are also able to learn in the village, instead of travelling seven kilometres to school.
“Now, I can now read my Bible. My students are happy and highly motivated, as they see me teaching them and believe that they will be like me one day,” Oliva said.
“My business is growing because I can keep my financial records without confusion and save and buy basic needs like food, medicine and farm materials. Education has also enabled me to come closer to my children, as we do homework together.”
Oliva aspires to ‘Be More’ and wants to help her community to achieve its vision of a better life for all.
“I am proud to be a teacher who helps others to achieve their dream,” Oliva said.
“I want to thank Caritas Australia for your support toward the fulfillment of our community vision. May God bless you all.”
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