An Applecross Parish Prayer Group celebrated with a difference recently following their foundation anniversary.
Member Elspeth O’Connor told The Record the Prayer Group, named after Mary Mother of Sorrows, were especially blessed to be joined by mentors Sr Breda and Sr Kathleen – while also acknowledging those “whose shoulders on whom we have stood” including Richard Rohr, Ron Rolheiser, Joyce Rupp and Sr Joan Chittister.
Ms O’Connor recounted that in celebrating the 35th anniversary on Monday 14 September; the day before the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, the group looked back at the history of the group, how it was founded and why the name was chosen.
“We all read our Vision Statement which Colleen Vallini from our group composed initially, to remind us of where we had come and where we hope to keep going,” Ms O’Connor said.
“Barbara as usual provided some beautiful music as each week that settles us as we come in from our busy lives.
Ms O’Connor also recalled that Gratitude and Acknowledgement – the theme of the day – were paid to Barbara for her wisdom and leadership, Judy for her organising talents and beautiful bookmarks, poetry and artistic arrangements, Janise for her words of wisdom each week, Christine Meaton for bringing Centering Prayer.
Ms O’Connor also acknowledged her own input to the group, including her tech skills and efforts to keep the group together.
“We thanked Jean Gardener and presented her with a posy for starting the group all those years ago and there was presentation during afternoon tea of pictures from our early days and we all remarked about how young we looked,
“We reminisced about all the various charities which we have supported over the years and still try to do.
Ms O’Connor also remarked that the group aims to be “little lights in our homes and families”.
“But also do our bit for the wider Church by participating in things like the Synod on Family, the Plenary Council, the upcoming Synod in October etc by sending in submissions from our group,” she said.
“We have changed from a purely Charismatic Group, which we might have been in the beginning, to a more reflective, faith-sharing, contemplative group,” Ms O’Connor concluded.