Plenary Member Fr Vincent Glynn is the Archdiocese of Perth’s Vicar for Education and Adult Faith Formation
The eldest of the six children, a young Vincent attended early primary school firstly at Our Lady of Lourdes Nollamara and then as a foundation student at the new parish of St Gerard Majella, Mirrabooka. He was ordained a priest in December 1982 by Archbishop Goody in St Mary’s Cathedral, Perth.
He is the Presbyter for the fourth Neocatechumenal Community of St Gerard’s Mirrabooka Parish celebrating the Liturgy of the Word and the Eucharist for the community each week. For 12 years, he has also assisted the Monday night Morley Personal Advocacy group celebrating the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance for and with them.

He is a member of the Professional Standards Resource Group for the Province of WA. Theological Advisor to the CEWA for Religious Education materials. Currently he is the Archbishop’s member on the Council of John XXIII College, Mt Claremont. He is currently a member of the Council of Priests for the Archdiocese of Perth in the role of Deputy Chair.
Let’s hear Fr Vincent Glynn’s response to what he thinks the Holy Spirit is saying to the Church in Australia at this time.
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