Plenary Council Members enjoy lunch and a moment away from the screens, watched eagerly by a hopeful feathered friend. Photo: Michelle Tan. Digital Producer for the Communications Office of the Archdiocese of Perth, Max Hoh, watches the morning session of day 5 in the Comms’ Hub. Photo: Michelle Tan. Archdiocesan Plenary Council Coordinator, Tony Giglia, has been hard at work behind the scenes at Assembly 1. Photo: Michelle Tan. The Icons of the Prayer Point are changed each day. Photo: Michelle Tan. Sister Chitra Justin OSM enjoys the warmth of the Perth sun on the grounds of Catholic Education Western Australia, Leederville. Photo: Max Hoh. Sister Chitra Justin OSM and Eva Skira AO take a moment to talk about the day’s sessions. Photo: Max Hoh. Catherine Nguyen chats with fellow Plenary Members, Vicars Fr Peter Whitely (left) and Fr Brian McKenna. The members and support staff have the opportunity to bond between the sessions of the Fifth Plenary Council. Photo: Max Hoh. Gemma Thomson and Sr Chitra Justin OSM share a light hearted moment. Photo: Michelle Tan. Fr George Kolodziej SDS has been an enthusiastic participant in the discussions. Photo: Max Hoh. Fr Vincent Glynn EV, Bishop Donald Sproxton and Communications Manager Jamie O’Brien discuss the morning’s content. Photo: Max Hoh. Plenary Member Eva Skira AO from the Association of Ministerial PJP’s, pays close attention to the morning online session. Photo: Max Hoh. Vicar for Communications for the Archdiocese of Perth, Fr Peter Whitely VG, talks with the communications team about the day’s communications coverage. Photo: Max Hoh. Sr Mary Ryan OP chats with Fr Vincent Glynn EV during the morning break. Photo: Max Hoh. Plenary members stop for a welcome lunch after working up a healthy appetite. Photo. Michelle Tan.
Home|Plenary Council Assembly #1 – Day 5 Friday 8 October PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS
Plenary Council Assembly #1 – Day 5 Friday 8 October PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS
08 Oct 2021