Plenary Council Assembly #1 – Day 5 Friday 8 October PHOTO HIGHLIGHTS

08 Oct 2021

By The Record

  • Plenary Council Members enjoy lunch and a moment away from the screens, watched eagerly by a hopeful feathered friend. Photo: Michelle Tan.
  • Digital Producer for the Communications Office of the Archdiocese of Perth, Max Hoh, watches the morning session of day 5 in the Comms’ Hub. Photo: Michelle Tan.
  • Archdiocesan Plenary Council Coordinator, Tony Giglia, has been hard at work behind the scenes at Assembly 1. Photo: Michelle Tan.
  • The Icons of the Prayer Point are changed each day. Photo: Michelle Tan.
  • Sister Chitra Justin OSM enjoys the warmth of the Perth sun on the grounds of Catholic Education Western Australia, Leederville. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Sister Chitra Justin OSM and Eva Skira AO take a moment to talk about the day’s sessions. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Catherine Nguyen chats with fellow Plenary Members, Vicars Fr Peter Whitely (left) and Fr Brian McKenna.
  • The members and support staff have the opportunity to bond between the sessions of the Fifth Plenary Council. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Gemma Thomson and Sr Chitra Justin OSM share a light hearted moment. Photo: Michelle Tan.
  • Fr George Kolodziej SDS has been an enthusiastic participant in the discussions. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Fr Vincent Glynn EV, Bishop Donald Sproxton and Communications Manager Jamie O’Brien discuss the morning’s content. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Plenary Member Eva Skira AO from the Association of Ministerial PJP’s, pays close attention to the morning online session. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Vicar for Communications for the Archdiocese of Perth, Fr Peter Whitely VG, talks with the communications team about the day’s communications coverage. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Sr Mary Ryan OP chats with Fr Vincent Glynn EV during the morning break. Photo: Max Hoh.
  • Plenary members stop for a welcome lunch after working up a healthy appetite. Photo. Michelle Tan.