By Anthony Barich
PERTH’S Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Ministry office has undergone significant expansion.
Over 80 leaders and young Catholics from around Perth gathered on December 17 at the Catholic Pastoral Centre in Highgate for Mass, Six30 Holy Hour and a presentation on the Youth Vision and direction for the Catholic youth scene in 2009 as CYM’s new team was rolled out.
New Catholic Youth Ministry director Anita Parker announced the two new youth ministry project workers for the Perth CYM office.
They are Olivia Lavis, formerly of the international evangelical Emmanuel Community, and Spanish-speaking Catherine Martinez, who is currently studying a Masters in media studies at Murdoch University and is also heavily involved in her local parish in Willagee.
Miss Parker told The Record that their role will involve helping parishes to set up and coordinate youth ministry and providing leadership training to youth leaders.
The full CYM team will be commissioned early in 2009.
Tung Nguyen from Morley’s Infant Jesus parish and Ursuline Sister Maria Mori also gave testimonies on December 17 of their experiences at the Sydney National Youth Leaders gathering and were very energetic about sharing the National Vision post-World Youth Day.
Australia’s bishops approved a blueprint on Catholic youth ministry within days of the meeting, at which the document was produced.
Miss Parker also spoke on the Archdiocesan Youth Vision and the movement forward to work together with agencies, movements and parishes in a coordinated approach to youth ministry. A centralised calendar of events will be hosted on the CYM website:, and a range of online resources will be developed, plus a web presence in xt3 and Facebook. A copy of the calendar can be lifted out of this week’s edition of The Record.
Former Bunbury youth worker Malcolm was also announced as the National Youth Worker, who will incorporate the coordination of the tasks outlined by Sr Maria and Tung at the December 17 presentation regarding the outcomes of the National Youth Leaders Gathering in November.
The themes for the next WYD’s were also announced as Pope Benedict XVI released these from the Vatican that day.
These are:
l 24th World Youth Day (2009): “We Have Set Our Hope on the Living God” (1 Tim 4:10)
l 25th World Youth Day (2010): “Good Teacher, What Must I do to Inherit Eternal Life?” (Mk 10:17)
l 26th World Youth Day (2011, to be hosted by Madrid, Spain): “Rooted and Built Up in Jesus Christ, Firm in the Faith” (cf Col 2:7).