Twelve parishes from the Perth Archdiocese have just completed their leg of a 100-day, round-the-clock Eucharistic Adoration vigil, providing Catholics from nine cities with the opportunity to unite in a nationwide prayer initiative.
The program, which began in Canberra on 16 February and will conclude in Brisbane on 23 May, was organised by the Jesus Youth Movement (JYM), an international Catholic ministry that is active in more than 25 countries.
JYM arrived in Australia in 2004 and has since conducted numerous projects throughout Australia, including the “Hours of Grace” Adoration program, which is now in its fourth year.
The 12 participating Perth parishes, stretching from Yanchep to Rockingham, were involved in two legs of the Adoration program, from 6 to 13 April and 26 April to 2 May, joining many other parishes across the country in the seven focuses of prayer designated for the occasion.
These focuses included prayers for families, consecrated, youth, the Pope, world peace and persecuted Christians, and had the backing of Church leaders such as Melbourne’s Archbishop Denis Hart, who was also involved in last year’s program.
“The silent and reflective prayer of Eucharistic Adoration (in 2014) allowed thousands of people to listen, reflect and to enter more fully into the presence of God,” he said, when promoting this year’s event.
The program, which required adorers at each of the parishes to maintain a 24-hour vigil, included St Mary’s Cathedral on 25 April, where an added intention for ANZAC soldiers and their families was included.
This year’s JYM organisers were pleased with the response and with the momentum of support the initiative is gathering.
“It has been a marathon of prayer,” said Danny George, who organised the Cathedral roster.
“But the feedback has been very positive and we are looking forward to repeating the event next year.”