Perth clergy have last week come together to compete in recreational games of tennis, ten pin bowling, lawn bowls and golf.
The annual Clergy Recreation Day on Monday 1 May, was organised by CleRecWest and attended by more than 50 priests across the various sports. The day concluded with a shared evening meal at Keralee Tavern in Como which included an awards ceremony.
Clerec West Committee Member Fr Joseph Laundy said the day was a great opportunity for clergy to be active and spend time socially with fellow clergy.
“It is a unique day when we think about it; clerics coming together not for religious ceremonies but for sport; and with that to support each other in the process,” Fr Joseph said.
“This is a great way to foster fraternity in the clergy circles. Its envisioned flow-on effects are hopefully to allow these men of God to work together in supporting each other to have the best health,” he said.
Coming together for the dinner, members of the CleRec West Organising Committee (Fathers Bonaventure Echeta, Thi Lam, Simeon San, Jeronimo Castillo, Joseph Laundy and Pau Raj) supported by Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton and Vicar General Fr Peter Whitely presented the day’s awards, with the most notable achievements being celebrated including:
Co-ordinated by Fr Paul Raj, and with a total of 9 players, playing conditions were very positive with no wind or rain.
The rules highlighted that the player who played the shortest game is the winner.
Out of nine players some played 9 holes. Four played 18 holes.
Mazenod College Chaplain and Oblate Father Michael McMahon OMI was the winner of the Archbishop Prendiville Perpetual Trophy scoring 40 stableford points.
Runners up included Palmyra Parish Priest Fr Benedict Lee PP and Moora Parish Administrator Fr Simeon San
Played at Morley Tennis Courts, five players came together for six rounds
Fr Francis & Quoc Tran VS Thi Lam & Joseph Laundy: 3/2
Francis Nguyen & Quoc VS Phong & Joseph Laundy: 3/0
Francis Nguyen & Quoc VS Phong & Thi Lam: 3/1
Phong Nguyen & Thi VS Joseph Laundy & Quoc Tran: 3/1
Francis Nguyen & Thi VS Phong Nguyen & Quoc Tran: 6/1
Thi Lam & Quoc Tran VS Francis Nguyen & Phong Nguyen: 3/2
Tenpin Bowling Results
The ten pin bowlers were this year joined by 15 players – including newly ordained Fr Grzegorz Rapcewicz and Deacons Jason Yeap and Felipe Cortez-Fernandez.
Individual highest winning score: Fr Thi Lam – 244
Team highest winning score: Fr Francis Nguyen & Fr Quoc – 226 & 157
Team wooden spoon winning score: Fr Rodrigo da Costa-Ponte & Deacon Felipe Fernandez – 49 & 78
Strongest bowler: Fr Mark Baumgarten
Enthusiastic bowler: Fr Michael Quynh Do
Senior bowler: Fr Mario
Junior bowler: Deacon Jason Yeap