Perth Christians are refusing to accept the signs of the times this Lent, pushing back with prayers, fasting, and signage of their own.
More than 280 Western Australians have joined the year’s worldwide 40 Days for Life campaign, with some participants committing to silent vigils outside Nanyara abortion clinic in Rivervale.
Organising committee member Kelly Clark, 21, said the Perth campaign’s signage reflected their desire to build a culture of life and show participants’ concern for women, children and families.
One sign depicts a mother and a newborn child with the words “love grows inside you”. Another says “we can help you”, listing a range of services such as accommodation, financial assistance, education pathways, and adoption, and includes the phone number of a local crisis pregnancy support centre.
“We try to do everything to make sure people know we are not aggressive,” Ms Clark told The Record.
“40 Days for Life aims to overcome the culture of death by praying to end abortion in peaceful prayer vigils all around Australia in union with hundreds of other locations throughout the world.
“Because around 8,000 children die by surgical abortion alone each year, the same number of women – as well as their families and friends – are affected on a number of levels, but especially spiritually.
“Prayer for all those suffering as a result of abortion is essential because it is only Jesus Christ who is able to bring the healing to these deep wounds.”
Ms Clark said people were still welcome to join the initiative, whether in prayer or action, or both. For more information or to join, visit or contact Kelly on 0481 295 500.