Winter is upon us. And, as the weather gets colder, members of the Perth Catholic community and beyond are being reminded of the urgent need to show love to those in need.
That is the message of Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe for his 2015 LifeLink Winter Appeal. The Appeal, which runs till the end of July 2015, is urgently asking the people of Perth to donate, following a downturn in financial support of donations so far.
LifeLink is the overarching organisation which provides ongoing funding support for agencies of the Archdiocese which deliver professional services and caring support to thousands of people in need throughout Western Australia each year.
The aim this year is to raise more than $300,000 – a figure that is greatly needed to help agencies and organisations that assist those in need in a variety of situations – whether it be in the form of practical emergency assistance or long-term support.
Agencies of LifeLink include The Shopfront, Daydawn Advocacy Centre, identitywa, Emmaus Community, the Emmanuel Centre, Djooraminda, Samaritan Projects, Centrecare, Centacare Employment & Training and the Catholic Ministry for People who are Deaf or Hearing Impaired.
LifeLink Manager, Brett Mendez, said winter is always a difficult time of the year, especially for those who are homeless or experiencing financial crisis.
“Our Shopfront agency, for example, is at the front line for those seeking help – providing meals, blankets, warm jackets and emergency financial assistance.
“For all who reach out for our help, the most important thing is that we respond with love and compassion when they do so. The work of our LifeLink agencies is very much an expression of ‘Faith in Action’,” Mr Mendez said.
“Our agencies need your support today. People are increasingly under pressure with ever-increasing costs of rent, food and utilities.
“The reality is that more and more people are falling below the poverty line and struggling to make ends meet. Current statistics show that some 12.4 per cent of West Australians are currently living below the poverty line and even more are experiencing housing stress.
“Your generous donations will help provide hope and very real support to thousands of Western Australian families and individuals in need this winter,” Mr Mendez said.
To donate to LifeLink, go to www.lifelink.com.au or Click Here.