The Archdiocese of Perth marked the 2021 International Women’s Day this year, with a first-of-its-kind-celebration, to pay tribute, acknowledge and pray for all women of the faith, who play integral roles whether it be in parishes, schools, hospitals – as well as the fundamental role of religious sisters who are central to the work of the Church across the globe.
Held at St Mary’s Cathedral on Monday 8 March, the small-scaled event attended by about 50 Archdiocesan staff, was marked with a Mass celebrated by St Mary’s Cathedral Dean Rev Dr Sean Fernandez, followed by a morning tea thereafter.

In his homily, Fr Fernandez, reflecting on the readings of the day, emphasised the need to approach life with humility, even when times may get tough.
“Humiliation is not nice. But humiliation is also a way of grace in which we learn humility,” Fr Fernandez cited.
“Humility before God, whose ways are not our ways, and a God who teaches us and challenges us to be better, to turn to Him, a God of mercy, life and of love.
“This is a call to each of us to realise who the person of God, and with that, acknowledging that we are not God.”
Fr Fernandez also took the time to wish all women a happy International Women’s Day, thanking them for their contributions to the community and to the faith.
During the morning tea celebrations, Perth Archbishop’s Executive Assistant Jennifer Lazberger, representing the group of women who initiated the event, spoke about the importance of celebrating women of the Church.
“Honestly feel that this is a great opportunity to stop, reflect and to really acknowledge the work of all women in aspects within the Church,” she said.
“This includes women in management, administration, religious sisters and the volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes – we honour all of them and all of you here today.”
When asked to relay a message to the women who work for the Archdiocese, Perth Archdiocese Communications Office Journalist Theresia Titus spoke about the need to work together, in service to God’s Church.
“I believe it is key to be able to support each other, because we are so important that the world and the Church won’t function without our contributions.”
Perth Archdiocese Safeguarding Director Andrea Musulin said that an event like the International Women’s Day serves as a reminder that ‘women have and will always play and integral part in our communities.’
“Mary, the mother of Christ is a very important woman in our Catholic tradition, and I think, in acknowledging women, we start with Mary, and we honour the great women in our community.”
St Mary’s Cathedral Administrator Alison Larson-Pearse honoured a volunteer of the Church, naming Cathedral volunteer Wendy Burke, as an influential and inspiring act to follow within the Archdiocese.
“Wendy, who is a grandmother, volunteers her time and service at the piety stall, she also prepares the priests’ tea and coffee, and she is always willing to help out wherever and whenever she can.
“She also does a lot of work with the homeless people in the streets of Perth. Therefore, she is one of the women within this Archdiocese who inspires me.”