The Perth Catholic community is being invited to dedicate the weekend of Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 July to prayer for the upcoming Archdiocesan Assembly.
Vicar General, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn said parishes, agencies and communities across the Archdiocese are invited to pray the Archdiocesan Assembly prayer at all Masses. This prayer has been sent out to all parishes and communities.
The first Archdiocesan Assembly for Perth will be held on Saturday 13 July 2024, however there have been other large-scale meetings that looked at the mission of the diocese.
This significant event follows a day of formation held for all delegates on 23 September 2023, setting the stage for extensive discernment and preparation over the last nine months.
Following reports from some readers they had not heard of the Archdiocesan Assembly, The Record is publishing a timeline of the Assembly journey since it was first announced in April 2023.
13 April 2023 – SPECIAL REPORT: Archbishop Costelloe announces convening of Archdiocesan Assembly
25 May 2023 – First Archdiocesan Assembly set to be launched on 4 June
8 June 2023 – DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY LAUNCH: God who is Trinity is a God of Love, says Fr Vincent Glynn
15 Sept 2023 – DIOCESAN ASSEMBLY: New logo a reminder to pray and discern
12 October 2023 – SPECIAL REPORT: Archdiocesan Assembly 2023-2024: Delegates commence formation: Called to journey together led by the spirit
21 June 2024 – Upcoming Assembly to be a commitment to establishment of a Diocesan Pastoral Council
September 2023 – Interview with Rev Prof Eamonn Conway – Synodality and What is a Diocesan Pastoral Council
Interview with Rev Prof Eamonn Conway – Listening and Discernment
December 2023 – Archdiocesan Assembly – Fifth Plenary Council of Australia – Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB
Archdiocesan Assembly – Diocesan Pastoral Council & Canon Law – Dr Carmel Suart
An Archdiocesan Assembly
An Archdiocesan Assembly is a gathering of nominated clergy, religious, and lay representatives from across diocese to discuss and deliberate on matters of pastoral importance.
The assembly serves as a platform for dialogue, decision-making, and planning, aiming to support and advise the diocesan bishop. It operates within the framework provided by Canon Law, focusing on investigating, considering, and formulating practical strategies for pastoral works and initiatives with the diocese.
Vicar General and Vicar for Education, the Very Rev Fr Vincent Glynn, explained the core focus for the coming Assembly for the Archdiocese of Perth.
“The Assembly centres on establishing a Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) that reflects the way of synodality, as emphasised by Pope Francis.” A DPC, as outlined in Canon Law, is a consultative body offering support and advice to the Bishop.
Here, the aim is to create a council that embodies “synodality,” a collaborative approach encouraging participation from clergy, religious figures, and lay Catholics.