BRENNAN Sia’s journey from pharmacist to priest will soon be complete, as he prepares to be ordained for the Perth Archdiocese on September 27.
The 31-year-old admits he hasn’t been thinking too much about the occasion, preferring to keep his mind focused on his role as deacon.
“At the moment I’ve been more occupied with the work in the parish but I think very soon I’ll have to start focusing on the ordination,” he said.
“But I’m feeling very good about it, very peaceful about it, and I’m looking forward to it.”
Deacon Brennan, who has been assisting at St Mary MacKillop parish in Ballajura for more than a year, said his ordination to the diaconate in December 2012 was a significant step in his journey to the priesthood.
“In a sense, becoming a deacon was a bigger step than the step in becoming a priest,” he said.
“At the same time, priesthood is a wonderful calling and you take on an even greater responsibility than being a deacon.”
After spending five years at St Charles’ Seminary in Guildford and two years at the Pontifical North American College in Rome, Deacon Brennan said he had thoroughly enjoyed his time as a seminarian.
“Over the years I’ve really enjoyed the camaraderie among the seminarians,” he said.
“We all have different personalities, but we’ve all got a very common goal in mind, to become priests.”
But making the initial decision to enter the seminary only came after a long period of discernment, Deacon Brennan said.
He studied pharmacy at university and subsequently worked full-time in the profession before enrolling at St Charles’ Seminary in 2006.
“For me, there was a very gradual process of just being more and more aware and being more comfortable with the idea that this is where the Lord wants me to serve him, in the role of being a priest,” he explained.
“I had a very strong sense that this was what the Lord wanted me to do with my life. As I got to know more and more about the priesthood, the more I thought this is something I could see myself being and doing.”
However, even upon entering the seminary, Deacon Brennan said uncertainty about his vocation was not entirely quelled.
“To be honest, I think that uncertainty was only quelled once the entrance procession started for my ordination Mass,” he said.
“Even up to that point there was a lot of nervousness and tension, and even cold feet a little bit.”
The former pharmacist said he believes families are an integral part of fostering and encouraging vocations.
“Usually a priest in the person’s life has played a significant role, but I think often not far behind is at least a member of the family itself,” he said.
“There are certain qualities that most candidates for the priesthood need… a lot of these are normally developed within the family environment in those formative years before they enter the seminary.”
The soon-to-be priest said anyone considering a vocation to the priesthood or religious life should be patient and persevering in his or her discernment.
“My main advice would be to pray about it, and to really discern and think about it seriously, not just to let it be a fleeting thought and dismiss it too quickly,” he said.
“It’s also just as important to find someone they can trust, that they can open up to and talk very frankly and honestly about their vocation.”
Brennan Sia will be ordained at St Mary’s Cathedral on September 27.
For men seeking guidance in their vocation, contact Fr Jean-Noël Antoine Marie on 9223 1372.