In preparation for next year’s 50th anniversary celebrations, the Corpus Christi Parish in Mosman Park produced a spectacular floral arrangement covering the central aisle of their church for the Feast of Corpus Christi on June 2.
The artwork was a communal effort with many parishioners contributing flowers and greenery from their gardens and a group of ten laying them out the day before the celebration.
Parishioner Rommie Masarei told The Record that during Mass only the side aisles were used, with the centre aisle only utilised when Fr Wilson Donizzetti Martins processed down the carpet of flowers with the Blessed Sacrament during Benediction at the conclusion of Mass.
Ms Masarei said that the flowers remained in the church throughout the following week, allowing students from adjoining Iona
College to appreciate the spectacle. She explained how the church had opened in 1964 and throughout the years parishioners had cherished the church’s dedication to the Body and Blood of Christ.
“Some years ago the carpet was a feature of the celebration of the patronal feast of Corpus Christi,” Ms Masarei explained.
“It was decided to revisit the idea as some longtime parishioners had very happy memories of it.”
She said the community was now looking forward to repeating the display at next year’s 50th celebrations.