By Joseph Younes

Jason Yeap and Errol Lobo, engineers by education and profession, are about to ‘engineer’ a career shift.
At 7pm on Friday, 19 April 2024, St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth will witness their transition from the diaconate to the priesthood.
These two men, known for their proficiency in mathematics, calculus and building structures, will finally hand in their hard hats for clerical collars as they embark on a different kind of construction—building spiritual connections as the newest priests in the Archdiocese of Perth.
For Deacon Jason Yeap and Deacon Errol Lobo they have both answered a profound call to serve the Church and the People of God.
Their journey embodies dedication, discernment, and an unwavering faith in God’s plan.
Jason Yeap traces his path to priesthood from an unexpected background.
The second of five children – Perth born Jason’s parents Anne and Thomas, are from Malaysia.
Originally trained in civil engineering at the University of Western Australia, Jason embarked on a professional career before feeling the stirrings of a deeper calling.
His journey of discernment led him through moments of doubt and resistance, yet ultimately, he found himself yielding to God’s will.
Jason’s openness to God’s guidance and the support of his family and community propelled him into the seminary, where he embraced the formation process with humility and gratitude.
“I decided to become a priest because I felt that God was calling me to serve Him and His Church in this manner.
It wasn’t so much something I knew I wanted from the start, but it was something I began to want to explore more and more,” Deacon Jason said.
“It started with an older parishioner simply asking me whether I had ever thought about becoming a priest. I politely shot the idea down but over time that question lingered and only grew louder. The idea seemed so invasive, so contrary to the life I wanted to live – funny because I was trying my best to be a good Catholic!”
Now, as he prepares for priesthood, Deacon Jason sees his vocation as a profound privilege—a calling to serve God’s people and grow closer to the divine through ministry.
“I hope to become more aware of the needs in the local area by being accessible and available, and sincere with what I can offer. Primarily it will be pastoral care and the Sacraments, but I’d also like to be able to provide any practical assistance in terms of referrals to social or other services to address any practical needs,” Deacon Jason said.
Errol Lobo, hails from Mumbai, India, with a rich tapestry of faith woven into his upbringing.
Raised in a devout Catholic family, Errol’s journey to priesthood began with a quiet yet persistent call from God during his university years. Errol, like Jason, completed a degree in engineering.
Despite a life that was comfortable and fulfilling, Errol sensed a deeper purpose beckoning him.
His decision to pursue the priesthood led him to Perth, where he immersed himself in studies at St Charles Seminary.
Through pastoral placements and engagement with parish life, Errol found affirmation and confirmation of his calling.
For him, priesthood is not merely a vocation but a profound response to God’s invitation to serve and love His people.
“I was around 19 years old when I first sensed that God was leading me in this direction. I trusted then that if the call was indeed from God, it would grow stronger and he would see it through; otherwise, I would know that it wasn’t,” Deacon Errol said.
As a priest, Deacon Errol said he would reach out to the poor and those on the margins of society, as Pope Francis has urged priests by “Simply being present to all people and journeying with them, as a sign of the Lord’s closeness to them, to remind them through my own humble ministry that they are infinitely valuable to God and to the Church.”
Their ordination to the priesthood signifies not just a personal achievement but a profound moment for the Archdiocese of Perth.
As Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB expressed during their Mass of Ordination to the Diaconate in 2023, the ordained ministry—whether diaconate, priesthood, or bishopric—serves as a tangible manifestation of Christ’s presence among His people.
“Through this ministry, the ministry of deacons, priests and bishops, the presence of the Lord Jesus to us and with us becomes real, concrete and effective in our lives,” Archbishop Timothy said.
Fr Francis Nguyen, the Rector of St Charles Seminary in Archdiocese of Perth expressed his admiration and thanks to Deacon Errol and Deacon Jason.
“They are both good and decent human persons: responsible, kind-hearted, humble, generous, considerate and loving. They are also men capable of highly academic achievements, constant in prayers and joyful in apostolate services.
“Thank you for saying yes to the call of priesthood at this particular time. Your families, dear friends, clergy and parishioners, and those involved in your life and formation are absolutely proud of you and will always remember you and pray for you. We pray that you will have a great time as a priest. May God bless you abundantly and help you to be a good shepherd to all and for all.
“While Errol and Jason are dynamic, active and prayerful each will bring a different dimension to the rich tapestry of the Church’s life and priestly ministry.”
Deacon Errol Lobo and Deacon Jason Yeap will be Ordained to the Priesthood at 7pm, Friday 19 April 2024 at St Mary’s Cathedral by Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB.
For more information about a vocation to the priesthood in the Archdiocese of Perth, visit