Living the Year of Faith was the theme of Ash Wednesday services held at The University of Notre Dame Australia’s Fremantle campus to commemorate the beginning of Lent for 2013.
Staff members and students were called to ‘turn away from sin and be faithful to God’ as the ashes from last year’s Palm Sunday were placed on their foreheads by Campus Chaplain Fr John Sebastian OMI.
Through the words of the homily, the Notre Dame community reflected on the opportunities Lent affords to draw closer to God and one another. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving were offered as three pillars upon which a powerful and meaningful Lenten season can be built.
“Lent is a very significant time in the Church’s liturgical year, where all who yearn to know God more deeply are invited to journey through the desert, to the Cross, and into the new life of the resurrection,” Campus Minister Karl Brown said.
“It is an excellent example of the journey of the individual joining with the wider community of believers to create a rich tapestry of faith and grace.”
The Lenten journey concludes on Holy Thursday, March 28. Notre Dame will hold the Stations of the Cross at its Fremantle campus on Good Friday at 10am. Community members are welcome to join in the proceedings.
For more information on Mass times and prayer sessions during Lent at Notre Dame, please contact campus Ministry on 9433 0581.