After more than 50 years in charge, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth have relinquished ownership of Our Lady of Grace Primary School to the Catholic Education Office of WA.
The Sisters made the decision earlier this year, but the change did not come into effect until June 10.
However, school principal Chris Kenworthy said there would be minimal, visible change to the ordinary operation of the school.
“We’re blessed to have two nuns working in the school on a daily basis at the moment, and that will not change at all with the transfer of ownership of the property,” he said.
“The charism of the Order, based on the values of the Holy Family, will be as strong as ever and the faith development of our students will continue as before.”
As part of the decision, Sr Irene and Sr Joseph have now moved from the North Beach convent to a smaller residence in Duncraig.
Mr Kenworthy said the most significant change would be to the constitution of the school board.
“In future [it will] conduct annual elections for membership and will change to the Catholic Education Commission constitution used by most Catholic schools in WA,” he said.
Archbishop Prendiville opened Our Lady of Grace school in 1954, and it was directed by Dominican Sisters until 1958.
When the Dominicans opened a new school in Doubleview, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth took charge of Our Lady of Grace.
They have made an outstanding contribution to the school ever since, according to Mr Kenworthy.
“Having sisters active in the school and highly visible on a daily basis around the school is just so special,” he said.
“It reinforces to anyone and everyone that the school is Catholic, and that the charisms of the order are alive and active in the school.”
“We truly treasure them, they are active members of the staff, treasured by staff and the community.”
The school has more than 500 children enrolled this year.