![A momentous occasion: newly elected Deacon Abraham Chukwu stands besides Bunbury Bishop Gerard Holohan and parishioners from St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Catholic Church before cutting the cake for his Ordination to the Diaconate. PHOTO: Supplied](http://www.therecord.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/2015-05-29-21.15.02-1_Web-1024x681.jpg)
More than 400 people from across the Archdiocese of Perth and the Diocese of Bunbury attended the ordination to the diaconate of Nigerian-born Abraham Chukwu on 29 May 2015.
Celebrated by Bishop of the Diocese of Bunbury, the Most Reverend Gerard J Holohan at St Mary of the Cross MacKillop Catholic Church, Ballajura, the event also saw the presence of 35 priests, including parish priest of St Mary MacKillop, Fr John Jegorow; the Rector of St Charles’ Seminary, Mgr Kevin Long; parish priest of South Perth, Mgr Brian O’Loughlin and Vicar General of the Bunbury Diocese, Fr Tony Chiera.
“With this diaconate ordination, I have entered a different state of life that will be continued all through my priestly life and ministry: a life of prayer without ceasing and a life of service,” said Deacon Abraham, reflecting on the meaning of this important step of his journey towards the priesthood.
“I would ordinarily have loved to marry and build my own family for the glory of God but my faith in Christ and my love for Christ and His Church moved me to dedicate myself in this manner.
“I am convinced that it is both a meaningful and joyful way of living. The joy comes from the fact that it is for Jesus Christ. It is He who fills the person who wants to live this way with joy.”
Born in the dominantly Christian south-eastern part of Nigeria, Deacon Abraham initially sought a career in diplomacy before settling into a teaching position that spanned five years.
Throughout his years of study and teaching, he became drawn to the stories of the saints, in particular the love and courage of St John of the Cross, St Theresa of Avila and St Catherine of Siena.
He eventually felt called to religious life and, after pursuing further studies in Philosophy at the Pontifical Salesian University in Rome (where he graduated with the highest distinction), he spent four years living in the Philippines as a religious missionary,
Deacon Abraham arrived in Australia in February 2014, destined for the Diocese of Bunbury, and completed the required studies for priesthood at St Charles’ Seminary, Guildford and The University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.
In December of the same year, he was assigned on pastoral placement to St Mary of the Cross MacKillop in Ballajura, a parish he served in until his ordination to the diaconate.
Reflecting on the day of his ordination, Deacon Abraham spoke of the joy he felt throughout the celebration and social gathering that followed, and expressed a deep sense of gratitude to the parishioners of St Mary MacKillop.
“I have loved this vibrant, warm and faith-filled Catholic community and they also love me.
“As expression of their love and support, many of the parishioners worked behind the scene to make the necessary preparation, including a wide variety of food deliciously made for the occasion,” Deacon Abraham said.
“The turn-out of parishioners and friends from Canning Vale, Midland, Bunbury and across Perth was phenomenal and impressive.
“People commented that the ordination ceremony was a very beautiful one and informative as Bishop Gerard Holohan explained to the huge congregation the meaning of each liturgical rite,” he added.
Looking to the future of his ministry, Deacon Abraham also commented on the challenges he faces and on his willingness to one day serve in the role of priest.
“Australia needs good Christian witnesses in many ways… It is disheartening that religious life is becoming extinct and the shortage of priests is an aching problem. We need witnesses and the ministry of Christ has to continue.
“Every Christian has a fundamental duty of telling others about Christ and being a witness so that others might come to believe. It is for this reason that I came to Australia – to serve as a priest.”
Deacon Abraham is currently serving at Our Lady of the Bay Parish in Bunbury.