The recently installed Perth Consul of Italy Nicolò Costantini met with Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB on Thursday 17 September at the Office of the Archbishop to discuss issues that affect the local Catholic and Italian communities.
Mr Costantini, who arrived in Perth in February 2020 just before the effects of COVID-19 worsened, explained to The Record why it was crucial to forge such connections with the religious community.
“Firstly, it is important to remember that the very first Italian migrants to Western Australia at the beginning of the 20th century greatly contributed to the economic and social development of WA society, also from a religious point of view,” Mr Costantini shared.
“Indeed, many of them brought very important religious traditions from Italy and shared with the local community the deeply religious spirit of the Italian nation, thus enriching the WA social environment.
“The Catholic Church, like other civil and religious entities, is very close to the people and can better assess their concerns. At the same time, the consulate is an institution whose main goal is to serve citizens and safeguard their interests.
“As Pope Pius XI wrote in his encyclical letter, Quadragesimo Anno: ‘it is the duty of the state to protect citizens and help those who are facing hardship’,” he continued.
“Therefore, in line with the relevant regulation of the Italian Government, it is important for us to fruitfully interact with all those entities that can provide us with a better understanding of the context in which we work, particularly at this difficult time we are all going through.”
The hour-long meeting included conversations about how to work with the community to keep the Italian language and culture alive in WA, promoting many aspects such as design, art, music, science, innovation, technology, fashion, and food among others.
“I also had the chance to explain to the Archbishop the assistance we provided to the Italian citizens stranded in WA during the peak phase of the pandemic last spring,” he cited.
“We also touched on some current issues in relation to the Aboriginal community and the latter’s involvement in the activities of the Catholic Church here in WA.”
Mr Costantini, who now attends St Mary’s Cathedral as his parish, hopes the long-standing relationship with the various groups in WA, including the Archdiocese of Perth, will be further strengthened, establishing good cooperation in order to exchange views on matters of common interest and involve the Archdiocese in the Italian Consulate’s future activities.
“It is commonly believed that work and religion must be considered as divided parts of our life. On the contrary, as Pope Paul VI underlined, they stay together, and their separation has no reason to exist.
“Since the daily working activities can help every human being in deepening their understanding of life, it is important to keep an open and beneficial dialogue with the religious world,” he concluded.
To learn more about the Perth Italian Consulate, visit: https://consperth.esteri.it/consolato_perth/en/