New website set to raise St Charles’ Seminary’s digital profile

30 Nov 2017

By The Record

St Charles’ Seminary in Guildford is set to gain a stronger online presence, recently launching a new website with a catchy design and updated, easy-to-access information. Image: Sourced.

By Caroline Smith

St Charles’ Seminary in Guildford is set to gain a stronger online presence, with the recent launch of a new website with a user-friendly design and updated easy-to-access information.

St Charles’ Rector Father Phillip Fleay said the project had been taken on by three seminarians, after it was recognised that the original website was not meeting the needs of the community.

“The old website still had the details of people who had left, and we had some difficulties updating it and using passwords,” he said.

“It was three of the seminarians – Errol, Nicholas and Matthew, who created the new one. It took them about a week and a half.”

He added that the new site had been launched early this month, with the help of Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, who had come to visit.

“It went live on 3 November, when the Archbishop came to visit us for dinner and officially launched the site,” Fr Fleay said.

“We’ve noticed that it’s really functional – the ease of changing and adding information of the new website is great.”

The main priority for the project, he added, was to ensure St Charles’ had a strong online presence, meaning that local people in Perth – as well as those around the world, could find out what the community was doing and keep in touch.

“The new website mainly features news from the seminary; what’s happening here and information for anyone who might like to join or meet with us,” Fr Fleay said.

“We’ve already had one expression of interest from someone in Vietnam. We just want to keep a presence online, so that people know who we are, and they can come out and have a chat with us if they want more information on the seminary.”


More information on St Charles’ is available at the new site: