Wanneroo Parish has recently welcomed new Parish Priest Fr Peter Porteous OSM.
Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton visited the Parish on Sunday 20 June to celebrate the installation Mass, together with Fr Porteous and Assistant Priest and fellow Servite, Fr Leonard Guiang OSM.
The installation of Fr Porteous and Fr Guiang marks the return of the Servite Order to the Wanneroo Parish, following their arrival in 1951 and departure in 2003, after more than 52 years administering the Parish.
Serving the Parish
Speaking to the congregation of some 250 people during his homily, Bishop Sproxton said Fr Peter Porteous with the assistance of Fr Leonard, will serve the parish which is so special to the Servites.
“The return of the Servites to St Anthony’s has been welcomed by the parishioners, many of whom have experienced the care of the Order since they arrived in Western Australia,” Bishop Sproxton said.
“Fr Peter and Fr Leonard will offer pastoral care to the people of Wanneroo, through their ministries of teaching, sanctifying, and the service of leadership,” he said.
Bishop Sproxton highlighted that above all, Fr Porteous and Fr Guiang will be examples of discipleship and faith.
“Their daily experiences in service will help them learn more about Jesus, as the first disciples did.
“There will be times, like when the storm of mighty waves and wind threatened the disciples on the lake in today’s Gospel, when things are tough, and Fr Peter and Fr Leonard will ask in prayer “Who are you, Jesus?” and “Can I put my trust in you again?”
“Their greatest service to the parish will be allowing the people to see them grow in faith, which will encourage their brothers and sisters in the parish to also put their faith in Jesus, the Son of God,” Bishop Sproxton emphasised.
Welcoming the Parish Pastoral Council
The installation Mass was also an opportunity for Bishop Sproxton to formally welcome and bless the Parish Pastoral Council, and “as witnesses to his Profession of Faith,” as Bishop Sproxton highlighted.
Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton visited Wanneroo Parish on Sunday 20 June to celebrate the installation Mass of Fr Peter Porteous OSM and Assistant Priest and fellow Servite, Fr Leonard Guiang OSM. Photo: Jamie O’Brien. Bishop Sproxton formally recognised and welcomed Wanneroo Parish Pastoral Council Members during the installation Mass of Fr Peter Porteous OSM on Sunday 20 June. Photo: Jamie O’Brien. Fr Leonard Guiang proclaims the Gospel during the installation Mass of Fr Peter Porteous at Wanneroo Parish on Sunday 20 June by Perth Auxiliary Bishop Don Sproxton. Photo: Jamie O’Brien. Bishop Sproxton formally recognised and welcomed Wanneroo Parish Pastoral Council Members during the installation Mass of Fr Peter Porteous OSM on Sunday 20 June. Photo: Jamie O’Brien.
“They will be his close collaborators in the pastoral ministry and planning for St Anthony’s, with Fr Leonard,” he said.
Commenting on his new installation, Fr Porteous said he and Fr Guiang and the whole Servite Order are absolutely excited to return to the parish.
“We remain committed to the parish now and well into the future, as well as the parish of Joondanna,” he said.