Four women make their perpetual profession.

THE foundation members belonging to the community of The New Apostolate Consecrated in the Heart of the Holy Family made their perpetual profession at
St Mary’s Church in Leederville on May 5.
Archbishop Barry Hickey was the main celebrant for the occasion, close family, friends and benefactors of The New Apostolate were in attendance.
The New Apostolate Consecrated in the Heart of the Holy Family are essentially a contemplative community whose routine allows time for private and community prayer as well as adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. They always welcome special intentions that people ask them to pray for.
In addition to household chores they tend to their garden, as well as spend time in study and craft.
They handmake leather book covers, Rosary beads, embroider baptismal sashes and decorate candles for various occasions such as baptisms and weddings. The sisters always welcome enquiries about their life and work and are willing to accommodate for a time, women who wish to experience their life and discern their vocation.
The New Apostolate Consecrated in the Heart of the Holy Family originated in New South Wales, where two of its foundation members in 1992 were inspired by the Word of God to live in a manner that would characterise a living presence of the Holy Family in the world.
Over the years other members joined and the community continued to put their faith in God’s providence to meet their daily needs as well as living a life of prayer and contemplation on God’s Word.
They also engaged in various activities such as teaching Catechism to young children, conducting Bible reflections to demonstrate how Scripture applies to everyday living and making religious articles to help support themselves.
In 2002 some members were invited to come to the Archdiocese of Perth and work at ‘Miriam’s House’ a crisis accommodation home, for pregnant women owned by Pregnancy Assistance. In 2004 the rest of the members came over to Perth and established themselves in Guildford.
They continued to live out their apostolate by teaching Catechism and holding Bible reflections.
In 2005, the community was canonically recognised as a private association of Christ’s Faithful.
After staffing Miriam’s House for about five and a half years the community regrouped at their Guildford residence.
The community has achieved a greater level of stability and early in 2009, Archbishop Hickey made the decision to grant the community public juridical personality. Included in this decision is the Archbishop’s recognition of the members as fully professed Religious Sisters, constituting a Congregation of Diocesan Rite.
The New Apostolate Consecrated in the Heart of the Holy Family and its many friends pray that one day it will have sufficient strength and size to make the final step in canon law of recognition as a Diocesan Congregation by the authorities in Rome.
The New Apostolate Consecrated in the Heart of the Holy Family are currently undertaking studies and practical learning in childcare and related areas in order to prepare for their future. Their medium to long term aspiration is to provide a caring and safe family environment for the ‘orfanelli’ (abandoned or neglected children). To this end, the community is praying for the provision of land sufficient for them to live, work and accommodate their plans.
A further part of the Apostolate is to assist with the spread of the devotion known as ‘The Chain of Mary’ in league with ‘The Chain of Mary Association Inc’. This devotion consists of committing to praying the same one decade of the Rosary daily, meditating on the mystery they have chosen. Through participation each person forms as it were, a ‘link’ in the long chain of participants who are praying for one another, reaping an abundance of grace. Every Tuesday, Mass is celebrated in the Sisters’ chapel for all those enrolled in the devotion.
‘The Chain of Mary’ booklets can be obtained from ‘The Chain of Mary Association Inc’ by phoning (08) 9377 7797 or writing to PO Box 438, Mt Hawthorn WA, 6916.