St Mary’s Cathedral has completed a pathway project, which included a surprise dedication to Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB, who celebrates his tenth anniversary of his appointment as Archbishop of Perth on 20 February.
St Mary’s Cathedral Dean Father Sean Fernandez said the footpath project was a long-held wish of Archbishop Emeritus Hickey to provide parishioners with better access to and from the aboveground carpark.
“We started planning for it two years ago and it commenced last year and was brought to completion by Colgan Industries. The coat of arms was added after the footpath was finished as the final touch to the project.
Archbishop Costelloe (left) looking at the new pathway and coat of arms installed at St Mary’s Cathedral, and below, he stands with St Mary’s Cathedral Dean Fr Sean Fernandez and Cathedral Manager Victor Hoa. Photo: Michelle Tan.
“I had the idea for the coat of arms as a way of marking changes/additions to the Cathedral and helping us place them in time. I also thought it enhances the beauty of what is an ordinary addition to our beautiful church.
“The addition of the coat of arms came as something of a surprise to Archbishop Costelloe, and it was fitting to have it installed in his tenth year as Archbishop of Perth.
We were happy to have something in stone to mark this milestone and to help celebrate the archbishop’s leadership of the diocese in challenging times.
Colgan Industries Construction Manager James Mason commended first year apprentice Rebecca Wiley, for her artistry on the coat of arms logo, and Dorothy Colgan who painted the piece.
Archbishop Costelloe’s coat of arms include the words ‘’Via et veritas et vita’’ – a Latin phrase meaning “the way and the truth and the life”. The words are taken from Vulgate version of John 14:6 and were spoken by Jesus Christ who was describing Himself.