New Norcia was recognised as one of the best in Western Australia’s tourism industry at the 2021 Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards Gala Dinner, presented by Tourism Council WA at Crown Perth on 13 November.
The industry’s premier awards night showcased the innovation and commitment to business excellence of the State’s leading tourism operators across 27 categories.
In its 49th year, the Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards attracted a record number of first-time entrants, representing a diverse range of businesses from across Western Australia.
“The Perth Airport WA Tourism Awards is the most prestigious awards program in the tourism industry, with a long history of celebrating and recognizing business excellence, innovation and outstanding customer service by tourism operators,” Tourism Council WA CEO Evan Hall said.
“The longevity and process of the Awards really does mean that those operators which take home medals are the best tourism businesses Western Australia has on offer and each and every year the judges are impressed by the commitment to the industry that all entrants display.”
The Benedictine community, represented by Abbot John Herbert OSB, and nine staff, accepted the silver award in the category of Cultural Tourism. In the same category, Fremantle Prison emerged as gold winners, while the bronze award went to WA Museum Boola Bardip.
“We are just so proud to receive this award. We hope this will encourage even more visitors to New Norcia, to join us on a tour, and see what our town is all about,” said New Norcia Director of Visitor Services, Carmel Murray.
The tourism industry’s ultimate prize, the Sir David Brand Award for Tourism, was presented to HeliSpirit for its ongoing development and commitment to tourism across the Kimberley. All Gold medal-winning businesses were judged for the opportunity to receive this prestigious accolade.
A new category, the COVID-19 Judges’ Choice, was awarded to Pan Pacific Perth for the way it used the skills of its staff to help those in need during a business downturn, housing and supporting Perth’s rough sleepers through a range of measures.
The framed certificate will soon be on display at the New Norcia Museum and Art Gallery.