The Centre for Faith Enrichment (CFE) last week renewed its call for applications for scholarships from the BJ Hickey Biblical Foundation for the year 2020.
Offered to lay people residing in the Archdiocese of Perth, the scholarships are intended to help those wanting to further their biblical studies of any length at any level, locally or overseas (such as Jerusalem or Rome).
Applicants need not be academics or have an academic background, but they do need to have a passion to know and further their understanding of the Scriptures and to help others with that knowledge.
CFE Director Dr Marco Ceccarelli said that the scholarship would soon enter its eighth year of giving lay people extraordinary opportunities to delve into the richness of the Bible here in Perth, interstate and overseas.
“BJ Hickey Scholarship applicants are invited to propose to the Scholarship Committee a biblical project that suits their own interests and capabilities,” Dr Ceccarelli said.
“For instance, someone may wish to pursue a short Bible course at the Tantur Institute or the Center for Biblical Formation in Jerusalem. The funds may also be used to undertake a unit on the Bible through the Broken Bay Institute, the University of Notre Dame or another Catholic institution,” he said.
Some may wish to attend a conference on the Bible. There are many possibilities and all are aimed at enriching one’s knowledge of Scripture.
“This year, we were able to offer funding to nine applicants. Some of these travelled to Israel to undertake Scripture programmes, while others channelled the funds into their Scripture studies here in Perth,” he said.
The BJ Hickey Biblical Foundation is managed by the Centre for Faith Enrichment and has the twofold mission of publishing daily Gospel reflections offering scholarships for biblical studies through the BJ Hickey Biblical Foundation.
The foundation was set up by Emeritus Archbishop Barry Hickey, who continues to play a central and fundamental role in the committee. Emeritus Archbishop Hickey began the Biblical Foundation with the sole intention of offering lay people an opportunity to undertake Biblical studies either locally or overseas.
For those wanting to apply for the 2020 Scholarship, the Centre for Faith Enrichment’s “Biblical Foundation Page” offers both the scholarship application details and the scholarship application form.
To find out more please visit http://cfe.org.au/the-biblical-foundation/
Applications for a 2020 Scholarship will need to be submitted by 5pm on Friday 18 October 2019.
Alternatively, email The Centre for Faith Enrichment on cfe@perthcatholic.org.au or call on 08 9241 5221.
To read the experience of former winners Vincent Restifo and Jacinta Burns, please Click Here