By Amanda Murthy
The official opening and blessing of the construction of new school facilities and refurbishments of the Our Lady of Grace (OLOG) primary school took place on 21 November 2019, marking a milestone for the Catholic school on a significant day of its history – the Mother Foundress Day.
The Mother Foundress Day salutes Mother Siedliska, the foundress of the Sisters of The Holy Family of Nazareth, an order which has had a high influence in the school’s history for the past 60 years.
Joining staff and students to officiate the ceremony were Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) Executive Director Dr Debra Sayce, CEWA Director of School Improvement and OLOG Past Principal Dr Tony Curry, Federal Member for Stirling Vince Connelly MP, Human Services Minister for Stirling Michael Kenan, and Regional Principals.
Episcopal Vicar for Health Rev Father Richard Smith EV KCHS administered the blessing ceremony of the new buildings, accompanied by North Beach Parish Priest Fr Hyginus Ebede. Also present for the special occasion were several religious from the Sisters of Nazareth, including the Provincial Superior Sister Margaret Kozub, along with Sisters Anita, Maureen and Amelie.
OLOG Principal Gabrielle Doyle told The Record that the three-year development project, which includes the building of new classrooms and extending the multi-purpose area, would enable the school community to continue their growth while serving the educational needs of families in the area.
“The new buildings will provide a challenging and supportive learning environment for all students,” Principal Doyle stated.
“In the early years in particular, the children are able to develop and play in a safe, inviting and engaging setting. Our vision for learning helps all community members see how we are going to use these wonderful facilities to enable our children to live life to the full.
“We hope to continue to empower all children through faith, wisdom and knowledge to live fulfilling lives in an ever changing world,” she added.
Principal Doyle also acknowledged the OLOG Parents and friends group, the State and Federal Government for its great contribution, and parents for their constant support throughout the years.
The Our Lady of Grace primary school was established back in 1954 by the Dominican Sisters. In 1958, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth were invited to take over Our Lady of Grace School when the Dominican Sisters opened a new school in Doubleview. The Order owned and operated OLOG up until 2013, when they passed ownership to the Archbishop of Perth.