The Society of Catholic Teachers Australia held its annual conference in Perth recently, to coincide with the start of the Year of Faith, featuring internationally renowned Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers as its keynote speaker.
The ‘Dynamic Deacon’ TV personality from the USA arrived in Perth for five days of conferences, a men’s retreat, preaching and a youth event.
Deacon Harold’s dynamic and passionate love for the scriptures and the Church’s teachings has been a great inspiration to all who attended these sessions throughout his tour in Perth. His Australian tour continues now to the east coast of Australia, before his return home to the USA.
“My job is not to change minds, but to preach the truth … We must know our faith … at least the basics.”
On Monday, October 15, Deacon Harold spoke at the University of Notre Dame, Fremantle.
This was a highlight for him, he said, as he worked at the University of Notre Dame in Portland and students on exchange for the USA were able to meet him throughout the evening.
Speaking on the topic of ‘Making a difference in the world today: Atheism and Christianity’, Deacon Harold walked the young people through a detailed look at today’s top atheists and their theories. From Hitchens, Dawkins, Dennett and Harris, he presented a well-researched commentary on their atheist theories.
“Atheists are very smart people,” he stated, “You cannot reconcile with an atheist using theology and/or scripture; you must use reason and logic”.
His fulltime ministry is to teach and preach the Catholic faith throughout the USA and also throughout the world.
To encounter more of Deacon Harold’s ministry or to buy his DVDs, CDs or books go to www.dynamicdeacon.com.