A grand admission ceremony on October 8 saw 17 men admitted into one of Western Australia’s oldest Catholic lay organisations, the Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross.
The ceremony took place at St Joseph Convent Chapel, South Perth, where Mass was concelebrated by Fr Michael Moore and Fr Joe Pelle.
“This ceremony of admission requires prospective members to affirm their acceptance of the duties and responsibilities of membership of the Order,” said George Sekulla, State Chairman.
“The ceremony, steeped in tradition, symbolism and ritual, has admitted hundreds of Catholic men since its establishment in Western Australia in 1922.”
Joining the Knights of the Southern Cross means taking on a commitment to be a witness to the faith, lead an exemplary Christian life and provide a Christian service to the Western Australian community.
The Order promotes the vocations, provides financial support for seminarians and assists with the implementation of projects in the local parishes.
Within the wider community, the Order supports and assists the aged, infirmed and the youth through financial and non-financial means.