Monsignor moved by papal tete-a-tete in Rome

23 Jul 2013

By Matthew Biddle

Perth’s Cathedral Dean Mgr Michael Keating got up close and personal with Pope Francis when attending a papal audience in Rome last month. PHOTO: COURTESY MGR MICHAEL KEATING
Perth’s Cathedral Dean Mgr Michael Keating got up close and personal with Pope Francis when attending a papal audience in Rome last month. PHOTO: COURTESY MGR MICHAEL KEATING

MONSIGNOR Michael Keating says he was privileged to meet Pope Francis at a general audience in Rome last month.

Overseas on a pilgrimage, Mgr Keating stopped in Italy for eight days where he attended the Pope’s June 19 audience.

At the conclusion of the audience, the Holy Father made his way around the people designated to meet him personally, chatting for a few minutes with each, including Mgr Keating.

The Perth priest said he passed on the well-wishes of the Archdiocese to the Pope, who listened intently.

“Pope Francis is humble, warm, friendly and someone with the human touch. He has the ability to be totally present with each person he speaks to,” Mgr Keating said.

Having met four previous Popes, including Pope Benedict XVI, Mgr Keating said he was moved, but not overwhelmed by the occasion.

“He didn’t have to listen to me, but he did, and that was a huge honour,” he said.

“There’s a lot of far more worthy people to meet him than I. I think of these nuns, for example, who are working among the poor for 50 years, and have given everything, they probably deserve to meet him more than I do.”

Mgr Keating said Pope Francis had a similar personality to Pope John XXIII, whom he met in 1962.

“I was very impressed by his simplicity and his humility,” he said.

“He’s a man of God, and I would say he’s very saintly to be honest, that’s the impression I got.”

With World Youth Day to begin in less than a week, Mgr Keating said Pope Francis would be well received by all the pilgrims.

He said he expects the 76-year-old to have a “sense of urgency” and to be highly active as the leader of the Church.